This article shares a message management system based on MVC+DAO, which includes addition, deletion, modification and query, and the query has all queries and fuzzy query by keywords. The specific content is as follows
package ; import .* ; import .* ; public interface NoteDAO { // Add operations public void insert(Note note) throws Exception ; // Modify the operation public void update(Note note) throws Exception ; // Delete operation public void delete(int id) throws Exception ; // Query by ID, mainly for update use public Note queryById(int id) throws Exception ; // Query all public List queryAll() throws Exception ; // Fuzzy query public List queryByLike(String cond) throws Exception ; };
package ; import .* ; import .* ; import .* ; import .* ; import .* ; public class NoteDAOImpl implements NoteDAO { // Add operations public void insert(Note note) throws Exception { String sql = "INSERT INTO note(id,title,author,content) VALUES(note_sequ.nextVal,?,?,?)" ; PreparedStatement pstmt = null ; DataBaseConnection dbc = null ; dbc = new DataBaseConnection() ; try { pstmt = ().prepareStatement(sql) ; (1,()) ; (2,()) ; (3,()) ; () ; () ; } catch (Exception e) { // (e) ; throw new Exception("An error occurred during operation!!!") ; } finally { () ; } } // Modify the operation public void update(Note note) throws Exception { String sql = "UPDATE note SET title=?,author=?,content=? WHERE id=?" ; PreparedStatement pstmt = null ; DataBaseConnection dbc = null ; dbc = new DataBaseConnection() ; try { pstmt = ().prepareStatement(sql) ; (1,()) ; (2,()) ; (3,()) ; (4,()) ; () ; () ; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("An error occurred during operation!!!") ; } finally { () ; } } // Delete operation public void delete(int id) throws Exception { String sql = "DELETE FROM note WHERE id=?" ; PreparedStatement pstmt = null ; DataBaseConnection dbc = null ; dbc = new DataBaseConnection() ; try { pstmt = ().prepareStatement(sql) ; (1,id) ; () ; () ; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("An error occurred during operation!!!") ; } finally { () ; } } // Query by ID, mainly for update use public Note queryById(int id) throws Exception { Note note = null ; String sql = "SELECT id,title,author,content FROM note WHERE id=?" ; PreparedStatement pstmt = null ; DataBaseConnection dbc = null ; dbc = new DataBaseConnection() ; try { pstmt = ().prepareStatement(sql) ; (1,id) ; ResultSet rs = () ; if(()) { note = new Note() ; ((1)) ; ((2)) ; ((3)) ; ((4)) ; } () ; () ; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("An error occurred during operation!!!") ; } finally { () ; } return note ; } // Query all public List queryAll() throws Exception { List all = new ArrayList() ; String sql = "SELECT id,title,author,content FROM note" ; PreparedStatement pstmt = null ; DataBaseConnection dbc = null ; dbc = new DataBaseConnection() ; try { pstmt = ().prepareStatement(sql) ; ResultSet rs = () ; while(()) { Note note = new Note() ; ((1)) ; ((2)) ; ((3)) ; ((4)) ; (note) ; } () ; () ; } catch (Exception e) { (e) ; throw new Exception("An error occurred during operation!!!") ; } finally { () ; } return all ; } // Fuzzy query public List queryByLike(String cond) throws Exception { List all = new ArrayList() ; String sql = "SELECT id,title,author,content FROM note WHERE title LIKE ? or AUTHOR LIKE ? or CONTENT LIKE ?" ; PreparedStatement pstmt = null ; DataBaseConnection dbc = null ; dbc = new DataBaseConnection() ; try { pstmt = ().prepareStatement(sql) ; (1,"%"+cond+"%") ; (2,"%"+cond+"%") ; (3,"%"+cond+"%") ; ResultSet rs = () ; while(()) { Note note = new Note() ; ((1)) ; ((2)) ; ((3)) ; ((4)) ; (note) ; } () ; () ; } catch (Exception e) { (e) ; throw new Exception("An error occurred during operation!!!") ; } finally { () ; } return all ; } };
package ; import .* ; import .* ; import .* ; import .* ; import .* ; public class NoteServlet extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException,ServletException { (request,response) ; } public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException,ServletException { ("GB2312") ; String path = "" ; // Receive the parameter value to be operated String status = ("status") ; if(status!=null) { // The parameters have content, then select the appropriate method // Query all operations if("selectall".equals(status)) { try { ("all",().queryAll()) ; } catch (Exception e) { } path = "list_notes.jsp" ; } // Insert operation if("insert".equals(status)) { // 1. Receive inserted information String title = ("title") ; String author = ("author") ; String content = ("content") ; // 2. Instantiate VO objects Note note = new Note() ; (title) ; (author) ; (content) ; // 3. Call DAO to complete the database insertion operation boolean flag = false ; try { ().insert(note) ; flag = true ; } catch (Exception e) {} ("flag",new Boolean(flag)) ; path = "insert_do.jsp" ; } // Query the operation by ID. Before modifying, you need to query the data first. if("selectid".equals(status)) { // Receive parameters int id = 0 ; try { id = (("id")) ; } catch(Exception e) {} try { ("note",().queryById(id)) ; } catch (Exception e) { } path = "" ; } // Update operation if("update".equals(status)) { int id = 0 ; try { id = (("id")) ; } catch(Exception e) {} String title = ("title") ; String author = ("author") ; String content = ("content") ; Note note = new Note() ; (id) ; (title) ; (author) ; (content) ; boolean flag = false ; try { ().update(note) ; flag = true ; } catch (Exception e) {} ("flag",new Boolean(flag)) ; path = "update_do.jsp" ; } // Fuzzy query if("selectbylike".equals(status)) { String keyword = ("keyword") ; try { ("all",().queryByLike(keyword)) ; } catch (Exception e) { } path = "list_notes.jsp" ; } // Delete operation if("delete".equals(status)) { // Receive parameters int id = 0 ; try { id = (("id")) ; } catch(Exception e) {} boolean flag = false ; try { ().delete(id) ; flag = true ; } catch (Exception e) {} ("flag",new Boolean(flag)) ; path = "delete_do.jsp" ; } } else { // It means no parameters, illegal customer request } (path).forward(request,response) ; } }; /* <servlet> <servlet-name>note</servlet-name> <servlet-class></servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>note</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/note/note_mvc/Note</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> */
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=gb2312"%> <%@ page import=".*"%> <%@ page import=".*"%> <html> <head> <title>MVC+DAO Message management program——Log in</title> </head> <body> <center> <h1>Message management example —— MVC + DAOaccomplish</h1> <hr> <br> <% // Encoding conversion ("GB2312") ; if(("uname")!=null) { // The user is logged in %> <% // If there is content, modify the variable i. If there is no, no content prompt will be made according to the value of i. int i = 0 ; String keyword = ("keyword") ; List all = null ; all = (List)("all") ; %> <form action="Note" method="POST"> Please enter the query content:<input type="text" name="keyword"> <input type="hidden" name="status" value="selectbylike"> <input type="submit" value="Query"> </form> </h3><a href="">Add a new message</a></h3> <table width="80%" border="1"> <tr> <td>messageID</td> <td>title</td> <td>author</td> <td>content</td> <td>delete</td> </tr> <% Iterator iter = () ; while(()) { Note note = (Note)() ; i++ ; // Perform a loop printing to print out all the contents in the form of a table // Get content from the database int id = () ; String title = () ; String author = () ; String content = () ; // Because the keywords need to be red, you need to receive query keywords here // String keyword = ("keyword") ; if(keyword!=null) { // The data needs to be reddit title = (keyword,"<font color=\"red\">"+keyword+"</font>") ; author = (keyword,"<font color=\"red\">"+keyword +"</font>") ; content = (keyword,"<font color=\"red\">"+keyword +"</font>") ; } %> <tr> <td><%=id%></td> <td><a href="Note?id=<%=id%>&status=selectid"><%=title%></a></td> <td><%=author%></td> <td><%=content%></td> <td><a href="Note?id=<%=id%>&status=delete">delete</a></td> </tr> <% } // Determine whether the value of i changes. If it changes, it means there is content. Otherwise, there is no content. if(i==0) { // Make a prompt %> <tr> <td colspan="5">没有任何content!!!</td> </tr> <% } %> </table> <% } else { // The user is not logged in, prompt the user to log in and jump ("refresh","2;URL=") ; %> 您还未Log in,请先Log in!!!<br> 两秒后自动跳转到Log in窗口!!!<br> If there is no jump,Please press<a href="">here</a>!!!<br> <% } %> </center> </body> </html>
The above is all about this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's learning.