In daily development, tags in MyBatis play an important role. The following are some common tags and cases in the MyBatis framework:
1. <select> tag
<!-- Query statement:resultType="" --> <select parameterType="int" resultType=""> SELECT * FROM T_Users WHERE id = #{id} </select> <!-- Query statement:resultType=" --> <select resultType=""> SELECT * FROM T_User WHERE USER_ID=#{userId,jdbcType=VARCHAR} </select> <!-- Query statement:parameterType="long" --> <select parameterType="long" resultType=""> SELECT count(*) FROM T_User_RECORD where user_id= #{userId,jdbcType=BIGINT} </select> <!-- Query statement:resultMap="templateMap" --> <select parameterType="int" resultMap="templateMap"> SELECT * FROM T_Users WHERE id = #{id} </select> <!-- Query statement:resultType=" --> <select resultType=""> SELECT count(*) FROM T_USER_RECORD </select> <!-- Query statement:Add to<if> Label,uniongrammar,foreachgrammar --> <select parameterType="" resultType=""> SELECT USER_ID,USER_NAME,DEPT_CODE,DEPT_NAME FROM T_USER where STATUS = 'Y' <if test="(flag_column== 'N'.toString()) "> AND dept_leader = 'Y' </if> UNION SELECT USER_ID,USER_NAME,DEPT_CODE,DEPT_NAME FROM T_USER where STATUS = 'Y' <if test="list!= null and > 0"> AND <foreach collection="list" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="OR" close=")"> T.USER_ID = #{item,jdbcType=VARCHAR} </foreach> </if>) </select> <!-- Execute stored procedures --> <select parameterType="String" useCache="false" statementType="CALLABLE"> <![CDATA[ {call P_PROCEDURE( #{name,mode=IN,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{age,mode=OUT,jdbcType=VARCHAR} )} ]]> </select>
Explanation: This is the most basic tag used to execute SQL queries, according to the incomingid
Parameters retrieve user information from the users table.
2. <insert> tag
<!-- Newuser --> <insert parameterType=""> INSERT INTO users(name, email, created_at) VALUES (#{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{email,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, SYSDATE) </insert> <!-- Get from the sequencekey --> <insert parameterType=""> <selectKey keyProperty="id" resultType="long" order="BEFORE" > SELECT SEQ_USER.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL </selectKey> INSERT INTO T_USER(ID,NAME,EMAIL,CREATE_TIME) VALUES(#{id,jdbcType=BIGINT},#{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR},#{email,jdbcType=VARCHAR},SYSDATE) </insert> <!-- MERGE INTOStatement --> <insert parameterType=""> MERGE INTO T_USER_WISHS W USING (SELECT #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT} ID, #{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR} name, FROM DUAL ) D ON ( = ) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET = , W.CREATE_TIME = D.CREATE_TIME, W.UPDATE_TIME = SYSDATE WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT ( , , W.CREATE_TIME ) VALUES( , , SYSDATE ) </insert> <!-- batchNew --> <insert parameterType=""> INSERT INTO T_USER(ID,USER_ID,USER_NAME,CREATE_TIME) SELECT SEQ_USER.NEXTVAL,T.* FROM ( <foreach collection="list" item="item" index="index" separator="union all"> SELECT #{,jdbcType=VARCHAR} USER_ID, #{,jdbcType=VARCHAR} USER_NAME, SYSDATE CREATE_TIME FROM DUAL </foreach>) T </insert> <!-- batchmerge into --> <insert > MERGE INTO T_USER_SCORE S USING ( <foreach collection="list" item="item" index="index" separator="UNION ALL"> SELECT #{,jdbcType=VARCHAR} USER_ID, #{,jdbcType=VARCHAR} USER_NAME, #{,jdbcType=VARCHAR} SCORE from dual </foreach> ) D ON (S.STAFF_ID = D.STAFF_ID AND S.USER_NAME= D.USER_NAME) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET = , S.UPDATE_TIME = SYSDATE WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT ( , S.USER_ID, S.USER_NAME, , S.CREATE_TIME) VALUES( SEQ_USER_SCORE.NEXTVAL, D.USER_ID, D.USER_NAME, , SYSDATE) </insert>
3. <update> tag
<!-- renewuser --> <update parameterType=""> UPDATE users <set> name = #{name}, email = #{email} </set> WHERE id = #{id} </update> <!-- renewuser:use<if> --> <update > UPDATE T_USER_INFO SET AGE= #{age,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, <if test="finishFlag != null"> FINISH_FLAG = #{age,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> STATUS = #{status,jdbcType=VARCHAR} WHERE USER_ID = #{userId,jdbcType=VARCHAR} </update> <!-- renewuser:existwhere后面use<if> --> <update parameterType=""> UPDATE T_USER SET UPDATE_TIME = SYSDATE, WHERE USER_FLAG='Y' <if test="isFr != null and isFr== 'Y'.toString()"> AND USER_ID = #{userId,jdbcType=VARCHAR} </if> </update> <!-- renewuser:usesetLabel --> <update parameterType=""> UPDATE T_USER <set> <if test="status != null and status != ''"> STATUS = #{status,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> UPDATE_DATE = SYSDATE </set> WHERE USER_ID = #{userId} </update> <!-- 批量renewuser --> <update > <foreach collection="list" item="item" open="begin" close=";end;" separator=";" index="index"> UPDATE T_USER SET age= #{, jdbcType=VARCHAR} WHERE USER_ID = #{, jdbcType=VARCHAR} </foreach> </update> <!-- 批量renewuser --> <update > <foreach collection="items" item="item" separator=";" index="index"> UPDATE ${} SET ${} = #{} WHERE ${} = #{} </foreach> </update>
Explanation: According toid
Update user records, onlyname
The corresponding field will be updated only when it is not empty.
4. <delete> tag
<!-- deleteuser --> <delete parameterType="int"> DELETE FROM users WHERE id = #{id} </delete>
Explanation: According to the providedid
Delete a record in the users table.
5. Dynamic SQL tags
a. <if>
<update > UPDATE users <set> <if test="name != null">name = #{name},</if> <if test="email != null">email = #{email}</if> </set> WHERE id = #{id} </update>
Explanation: Only if the parameters passed inname
Not fornull
The corresponding fields will be updated only when .
b. <choose>
, <when>
, <otherwise>
<update > UPDATE users <set> <choose> <when test="operation == 'updateName'"> name = #{newName} </when> <when test="operation == 'updateEmail'"> email = #{newEmail} </when> <otherwise> status = #{newStatus} </otherwise> </choose> </set> WHERE id = #{userId} </update>
Explanation: According to the type of operation passed in (operation
) Select to update different fields.
c. <where>
<update > UPDATE users <set> last_login = NOW() </set> <where> <if test="id != null">id = #{id}</if> <if test="email != null">AND email = #{email}</if> </where> </update>
Tags ensure that the WHERE conditional sentence syntax in the generated SQL is correct, and even if the condition is empty, there will be no unnecessary ones.AND
d. <foreach>
Tags (looping through the collection)
<insert > INSERT INTO users(id, name) VALUES <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="list" separator=","> (#{}, #{}) </foreach> </insert>
Explanation: Batch insertion of users,list
A parameter is a collection of multiple user objects.
6. Reference other SQL fragments
<sql >id, name, email</sql> <select resultType=""> SELECT <include ref/> FROM users </select>
Explanation: Define reusable SQL fragments and pass<include>
Label introduction.
7. <resultMap> tag
<resultMap type=""> <id property="id" column="user_id"/> <result property="name" column="username"/> <association property="address" javaType=""> <id property="addressId" column="address_id"/> <result property="street" column="street"/> </association> </resultMap>
Explanation: Used to map query results to Java objects, supporting complex mapping relationships such as one-to-one and one-to-many.
The above has compiled some very practical and commonly used tags in MyBatis. Hope it can help everyone.
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