Dialog boxes can be divided into mode dialog boxes and modeless dialog boxes. The difference between the two is whether the user can work elsewhere in the same application before the dialog box is closed. For example: Opening a file dialog box is a typical mode dialog box. You can only perform other operations in the same application after you have selected the file to be opened and press OK, or cancel the opening file operation. The common search and replacement dialog boxes are typical of patternless dialog boxes. While the dialog box is opened, we can also do other work. The mode dialog will always remain focused. The window cannot be switched unless the dialog box is closed. The modeless dialog box will not always remain focus, but will always remain displayed in the front end.
Full guide to pop-up web window (html/hta)
1. Open a full screen window
<body onload="( http://, example01 , fullscreen );">;
2. Open a window that has been transformed by F11
<body onload="( http://, example02 , channelmode );">;
3. Open a window with the favorite link toolbar
<body onload="( http://, example03 , width=400,height=300,directories );">
4. Web page dialog box
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
showModalDialog( http://, example04 , dialogWidth:400px;dialogHeight:300px;
dialogLeft:200px;dialogTop:150px;center:yes;help:yes;resizable:yes;status:yes )
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
showModelessDialog( , example05 , dialogWidth:400px;dialogHeight:300px;
dialogLeft:200px;dialogTop:150px;center:yes;help:yes;resizable:yes;status:yes )
showModalDialog() or showModelessDialog() to call the web dialog box. As for the difference between showModalDialog() and showModelessDialog(), it is in that the window opened by showModalDialog() (referred to as mode window) is placed on the parent window and must be closed to access the parent window (it is recommended to use as little as possible to avoid disgusting); showModelessDialog() (referred to as modeless window), you can access the window opened by the parent window without having to close after opening.
dialogHeight: iHeight Set the height of the dialog window.
dialogWidth: iWidth Sets the width of the dialog window.
dialogLeft: iXPos Set the left position of the dialog window relative to the upper left corner of the desktop.
dialogTop: iYPos Set the top position of the dialog window relative to the upper left corner of the desktop.
center: {yes | no | 1 | 0 } Specifies whether to center the dialog box on the desktop, the default value is “yes”.
help: {yes | no | 1 | 0 } Specify whether the context-sensitive help icon is displayed in the dialog window. The default value is "yes".
resizable: {yes | no | 1 | 0 } Specify whether the dialog window size is variable. The default value is "no".
status: {yes | no | 1 | 0 } Specify whether the status bar is displayed in the dialog window. For non-mode dialog windows, the default value is "yes"; for mode dialog windows, the default value is "no".
Full guide to pop-up web window (html/hta)
1. Open a full screen window
<body onload="( http://, example01 , fullscreen );">;
2. Open a window that has been transformed by F11
<body onload="( http://, example02 , channelmode );">;
3. Open a window with the favorite link toolbar
<body onload="( http://, example03 , width=400,height=300,directories );">
4. Web page dialog box
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
showModalDialog( http://, example04 , dialogWidth:400px;dialogHeight:300px;
dialogLeft:200px;dialogTop:150px;center:yes;help:yes;resizable:yes;status:yes )
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
showModelessDialog( , example05 , dialogWidth:400px;dialogHeight:300px;
dialogLeft:200px;dialogTop:150px;center:yes;help:yes;resizable:yes;status:yes )
showModalDialog() or showModelessDialog() to call the web dialog box. As for the difference between showModalDialog() and showModelessDialog(), it is in that the window opened by showModalDialog() (referred to as mode window) is placed on the parent window and must be closed to access the parent window (it is recommended to use as little as possible to avoid disgusting); showModelessDialog() (referred to as modeless window), you can access the window opened by the parent window without having to close after opening.
dialogHeight: iHeight Set the height of the dialog window.
dialogWidth: iWidth Sets the width of the dialog window.
dialogLeft: iXPos Set the left position of the dialog window relative to the upper left corner of the desktop.
dialogTop: iYPos Set the top position of the dialog window relative to the upper left corner of the desktop.
center: {yes | no | 1 | 0 } Specifies whether to center the dialog box on the desktop, the default value is “yes”.
help: {yes | no | 1 | 0 } Specify whether the context-sensitive help icon is displayed in the dialog window. The default value is "yes".
resizable: {yes | no | 1 | 0 } Specify whether the dialog window size is variable. The default value is "no".
status: {yes | no | 1 | 0 } Specify whether the status bar is displayed in the dialog window. For non-mode dialog windows, the default value is "yes"; for mode dialog windows, the default value is "no".