1. Encoding (converting to byte array) GetBytes
1. ASII code: Each character in the string is represented by one byte.
Only 7 bits are used per character, from 00h-7Fh. Only 128 characters can be expressed. Can't represent Chinese characters.
byte[] b = ("yourstring"); (("-", (p => ())));
// Get: 121-111-117-114-115-116-114-105-110-103
2. Unicode code: Each character in the string is represented by two bytes.
byte[] b = ("Haaaa1");
// Get: 200-84-74-85-97-0-49-0
3. Simplified Chinese: Each Chinese character in a string is represented by two bytes, and the other characters are represented by one byte.
byte[] b = ("gb2312").GetBytes("Haaaa1");//Traditional Chinese "big5"(("-", (p => ())));
// Get: 185-254-176-161-97-49
In UTF-8, a Chinese character corresponds to three bytes, and a Chinese character in GB2312 takes up two bytes.
Regardless of the encoding, the alphanumeric numbers are not encoded, and a special symbol takes up one byte after encoding.
2. Decoding (converting into string): GetString, GetChars
(byte[] data,[,index,count]);
3. Conversion of strings and byte arrays based on Base64 (ASCII) encoding
1. Convert the specified string (which encodes binary data as Base64 numbers) to an equivalent 8-bit unsigned array of integers.
byte[] bt=Convert.FromBase64String("String");
2. Convert the value of an 8-bit unsigned integer array to its equivalent string representation encoded by Base64 numerically.
Convert.ToBase64String(byte[] data,[,index,count]);
4. Conversion of byte array and character array
1. Character array to byte array
2. Byte array to character array
The above is all the content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study and I hope everyone will support me more.