Updated on 2025-03-06

Create a Windows account locally using C# (DOS command)

See other methods. Create a Windows account locally using C# (DirectoryServices)

Under WinForm, the program can be written as:   (Tested and needs to be run as Administrator)

  using   System;    
  namespace   eg    
  class     test    
  static     void     Main()    

//Declare a program information class
       Info     =     new     ();    

//Set external program name
       =     "";    

//Set the startup parameters (command line parameters) of the external program to
       =     "   user   abc   /add";    

//Set the working directory of the external program as D:\
       =     "D:\\";    

//Declare a program class
       Proc     ;    

//Start external programs
  Proc     =     (Info);    
  catch(.Win32Exception     e)    
("The system cannot find the specified program file.\r{0}",     e);

Note: The ASPNET account belongs to the Users group. The Users group does not have full control over the computer, so some commands involved in system management cannot be used; as for why it is not visible in the process, it is because the statement is run on the command line. If you want to see the effect, you can only view it under CMD:    net    user

Add an administrator:
  ("","/c   net   user   admin   123456   /add");    
  ("","/c   net   localgroup   administrators   admin   /add");    

Modify admin's password to 250:
  ("","/c   net   user   admin   250   ");    
Delete the administrator:
  ("","/c   net   user   admin   /del");  

It can be fully operated under CMD, and command line tools such as ("net   user   ...");

net    user

Used to add/create/change user accounts


  net   user   <username>   [password   or   *]   [/add]   [options]   [/domain]    
  net   user   <username]   /delete   /domain    

username account name
password    Assign or change password
* password hint
/domain   Execute in a domain
/add   Create an account
/delete  Delete an account
/active:[yes  or   no]  Activate or stop an account
/comment:"<text>"   Add a descriptive note
/    nnn   is the system encoding.    0 is the system default value
/expires:<date  or  never>    Account expiration time. Format: month, day, year or day, month, year (the format is determined by the country code)
/fullname:"<name>"   Full name of the account
/homedir:<path>   User home directory path
/passwordchg:[yes  or   no]  Set whether the user can change the password
/passwordreq:[yes  or   no]  Set whether the user needs a password
/profilepath:<path>   Set the environment file path
/scriptpath:<path>   Login script path
/times:<times  or  all>   The number of hours a user can log in
/usercomment:"<text>"   Account description information
/workstations:<machine   names>  The username that allows login.   *  Indicates all users