1 Json serialization and deserialization of entity classes
Let's take the following Person class as an example, which contains commonly used data types:
public class Person { public int ID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public DateTime Birthday { get; set; } public bool IsVIP { get; set; } public float Account { get; set; } public string[] Favorites { get; set; } public string Remark { get; set; } }
Create aPerson
Person person = new Person { ID = 1, Name = "Zhang San", Birthday = ("2000-01-02"), IsVIP = true, Account = 12.34f, Favorites = new string[] { "Have a meal", "sleep" } };
1.1 Json Serialization
Returns an unindented Json string
(person); {"ID":1,"Name":"Zhang San","Birthday":"2000-01-02T00:00:00","IsVIP":true,"Account":12.34,"Favorites":["Have a meal","sleep"],"Remark":null}
Returns the indented Json string
(person, ); { "ID": 1, "Name": "Zhang San", "Birthday": "2000-01-02T00:00:00", "IsVIP": true, "Account": 12.34, "Favorites": [ "Have a meal", "sleep" ], "Remark": null }
1.2 Convert unindented JSON strings to indented form
private string JsonIndentation(string str) { //string str = (entity); JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer(); TextReader tr = new StringReader(str); JsonTextReader jtr = new JsonTextReader(tr); object obj = (jtr); if (obj != null) { StringWriter textWriter = new StringWriter(); JsonTextWriter jsonWriter = new JsonTextWriter(textWriter) { Formatting = , Indentation = 4, IndentChar = ' ' }; (jsonWriter, obj); return (); } else { return str; } }
private string JsonIndentation(string json) { JObject obj = (json); return (); }
1.3 Other settings
JsonSerializerSettings settings = new JsonSerializerSettings(); // Set date format = "yyyy-MM-dd"; // Ignore empty values = ; // Indent = ; (person, settings);
{ "ID": 1, "Name": "Zhang San", "Birthday": "2000-01-02", "IsVIP": true, "Account": 12.34, "Favorites": [ "Have a meal", "sleep" ] }
1.4 Json Deserialization
2 JObject Use
2.1 Creating an object
JObject obj = new JObject(); ("ID", 1); ("Name", "Zhang San"); ("Birthday", ("2000-01-02")); ("IsVIP", true); ("Account", 12.34f); // Create an arrayJArray array = new JArray(); (new JValue("Have a meal")); (new JValue("sleep")); ("Favorites", array); ("Remark", null);
2.2 Adding an array in JObject
The code in the above example can be simplified to:
JArray array = new JArray("Have a meal", "sleep");
2.3 Creating a JObject from a Json string
string json = "{\"ID\":1,\"Name\":\"Zhang San\",\"Birthday\":\"2000-01-02T00:00:00\",\"IsVIP\":true,\"Account\":12.34,\"Favorites\":[\"Have a meal\",\"sleep\"],\"Remark\":null}"; JObject obj = (json);
2.4 Create a JObject from Entity
JObject obj = (person);
Create a JObject with anonymous object
JObject obj = (new { name = "jack", age = 18 }); //show{ "name": "jack", "age": 18 }
Use the initializer
JObject obj = new JObject() { { "name", "jack" }, { "age", 18 } };
2.5 Get the value
int id; if (obj["ID"] != null) id = obj["ID"].Value<int>();
2.6 Get array
It is not supported to get arrays directly, but you can get List and then convert them into arrays.
string[] favorites; if (obj["Favorites"] != null) favorites = obj["Favorites"].Value<List<string>>().ToArray();
The above is the detailed content of the commonly used methods of c#. For more information about c#, please pay attention to my other related articles!