Updated on 2025-03-06

C# to obtain information about operating platform system

This article describes the method of C# to obtain the system information of the running platform. It can mainly realize C# to obtain the number of milliseconds passed by the system startup, the network domain name connected, the number of milliseconds passed by the system startup, etc., and there are related operations on the ListView control.

The specific implementation code is as follows:

using System;
using ;
using ;
using ;
using ;
using ;
namespace Obtain system environment and platform information
 public class Form1 : 
 private  button1;
 private  button2;
 private  listView1;
 private  columnHeader1;
 private  columnHeader2;
 private  components = null;
 public Form1()
 protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
  if( disposing )
  if (components != null)
  ( disposing );
 #region Code generated by Windows Form Designer private void InitializeComponent()
  this.button1 = new ();
  this.button2 = new ();
  this.listView1 = new ();
  this.columnHeader1 = new ();
  this.columnHeader2 = new ();
  // button1
  this. = new (48, 224);
  this. = "button1";
  this. = new (56, 32);
  this. = 4;
  this. = "Get";
  this. += new (this.button1_Click);
  // button2
  this. = new (184, 224);
  this. = "button2";
  this. = new (56, 32);
  this. = 5;
  this. = "quit";
  this. += new (this.button2_Click);
  // listView1
  this.(new [] {
  this. = true;
  this. = new (16, 24);
  this. = "listView1";
  this. = new (256, 184);
  this. = 6;
  this. = ;
  // columnHeader1
  this. = "property";
  this. = 100;
  // columnHeader2
  this. = "value";
  this. = 175;
  // Form1
   = new (6, 14);
   = new (292, 273);
   = "Form1";
   = "Get system environment and platform information";
 static void Main()
  (new Form1());
 private void button2_Click(object sender,  e)
  // Close the current form  ();
 private void button1_Click(object sender,  e)
  (); // Clear items in ListView control  ListViewItem listViewItem;
  // Add computer name  listViewItem = new ListViewItem("Computer Name", 0);
  // Add to the current platform name  listViewItem = new ListViewItem("Current Platform Name", 0);
  // Add platform version number  listViewItem = new ListViewItem("Platform Version Number", 0);
  // The network name connected to the system  listViewItem = new ListViewItem("Connected network domain name", 0);
  // System directory path  listViewItem = new ListViewItem("Number of milliseconds passed by system startup", 0);
  ( );
  // Current system time  listViewItem = new ListViewItem("System Current Time", 0);
  // The number of milliseconds elapsed after the system starts  listViewItem = new ListViewItem("Number of milliseconds passed by system startup", 0);
  catch(Exception exc)
  (, "hint");
 // To avoid lengthy code written, add the AddItem method public void AddItem(string sItem)
  // Add item sItem to listView1  (sItem);