Usage of C# ()
Data of double type in C# sometimes needs to be formatted and displayed as a string (preserving N-digit significant digits or preserving N-digit decimals), and you can use the ("parameter") method.
Here are some common methods
(F)Fixed point:string str1=("f1"); //Retain one decimal and round it. Result: 3.1 (F)Fixed point:string str2=("f2"); //Keep two decimal places and round them up. The following is an analogy. Result: 3.14 (N)Number:string str2=("N"); //Reserve Result: 3.14 (G)General (default):string str2=("G"); //Reserve Result: 3.1415926 (P)Percent:string str2=("P"); //Reserve Results: 314.16% (E)Scientific:string str2=("E"); //Reserve Result E: 3.141593E+000 (C)Currency:string str2=("C"); //reserve result:¥3.14
C# Double By Valid Number ToString
Convert double to characters that n significant numbers
I looked for various posts including searching for ‘significant digits’ in Microsoft documentation; the closest one is ToString("Gx")
But it returns a string that is no greater than this x-valid bit, for example
double a=1.2; string s=("G3");
Get 1.2 instead of 1.20
So I wrote a function
string DoubleToStringSignificantDigits(double a, int SignificantDigits) { string formaterG = 'G' + ("N0"); string strResult = (formaterG); int resultLength = SignificantDigits; if (('-') >= 0) resultLength++; if (('.') >= 0) resultLength++; if ((a) < 1) resultLength++; //The absolute value is less than 1, and an integer 0 is not considered a valid bit if ( < resultLength) { if (('.') < 0) { strResult += '.'; resultLength++; } strResult = (resultLength, '0'); } return (strResult); }
double[] x = new double[] { 100, 99, 12.12, 1.1234, 1.2, 0.2, 0.12345 , -0.2, -1.2, -123};
DoubleToStringSignificantDigits(x[i], 3)
The above is personal experience. I hope you can give you a reference and I hope you can support me more.