An enum is a specified constant whose base type can be any integer except Char.
If the underlying type is not explicitly declared, Int32 is used.
Programming languages usually provide syntax to declare an enum composed of a set of named constants and their values.
The default cardinality starts from O, and you can also specify a value.
enum Days { Saturday=1, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday };
enum Colors { Red = 1, Green = 2, Blue = 4, Yellow = 8 };
Colors myColors = ;
string strColor=();
int IntColor=(int)myColors ;
bit or
Colors myColors = | | ;
bit and
Colors myColors = & & ;
foreach (string s in (typeof(Days)))
(s + "--" + (typeof(Days), s).ToString());
Colors mc=Colors (typeof(Colors ), "red");
if ((typeof(Days), "Monday"))
Days ds= (Days)(typeof(Days), "Monday");
Example 2:
public enum NoticeType
Notice = 'A',
LabRule = 'H',
HotInformation = 'N',
Column = 'C',
All = '1',
Null = '0'
//Create a new enumeration type
NoticeType noticeType1 = ;
//Convert the enum type to string d="Column"
string d = ();
//Get the cardinality of the enumeration type dd='C'
char dd = (char)noticeType1;
//Get the corresponding enum type through the cardinality noticeType2 =
//(NoticeType)'A'; Both methods are OK
NoticeType noticeType2 = (NoticeType)("A");
//Get the enum type by name noticeType3 =
NoticeType noticeType3 = (NoticeType)(typeof(NoticeType), "Notice");