Updated on 2025-03-06

C# generic usage example analysis

This article analyzes the usage of C# generics in examples. Share it for your reference. The specific analysis is as follows:

Here is a demonstration of how to create a custom generic list class with a single type parameter, and how to implement IEnumerable<T> to enable foreach iteration on the contents of the list. This example also demonstrates how client code creates an instance of the class by specifying a type parameter, and how constraints of that type parameter implement additional operations on a type parameter.

using System;
using ;
using ;
using ;
namespace Generics_CSharp
  // Type parameter T in angle brackets.  public class MyList&lt;T&gt; : IEnumerable&lt;T&gt;
    protected Node head;
    protected Node current = null;
    // Nested types are also generics on T    protected class Node
      public Node next;
      // T as a private member data type.      private T data;
      // T used in non-generic constructors.      public Node(T t)
        next = null;
        data = t;
      public Node Next
        get { return next; }
        set { next = value; }
      // T is the return type of the property.      public T Data
        get { return data; }
        set { data = value; }
    public MyList()
      head = null;
    // T as method parameter type.    public void AddHead(T t)
      Node n = new Node(t);
       = head;
      head = n;
    // Implement GetEnumerator to return IEnumerator<T>, thus enabling list    // foreach iteration.  Please note that in C# 2.0, // does not need to implement Current and MoveNext.    // The compiler will create a class that implements IEnumerator<T>.    public IEnumerator&lt;T&gt; GetEnumerator()
      Node current = head;
      while (current != null)
        yield return ;
        current = ;
    // This method must be implemented because    // IEnumerable<T> Inherit IEnumerable    IEnumerator ()
      return GetEnumerator();
  public class SortedList&lt;T&gt; : MyList&lt;T&gt; where T : IComparable&lt;T&gt;
    // A simple sorting algorithm that is not optimized,    // The algorithm sorts list elements from low to high:    public void BubbleSort()
      if (null == head || null == )
      bool swapped;
        Node previous = null;
        Node current = head;
        swapped = false;
        while ( != null)
          // Since this method needs to be called, SortedList          // Classes are constrained on IEnumerable<T>          if (() &gt; 0)
            Node tmp = ;
             = ;
             = current;
            if (previous == null)
              head = tmp;
               = tmp;
            previous = tmp;
            swapped = true;
            previous = current;
            current = ;
        }// end while
      } while (swapped);
  // A simple class that implements IComparable<T> as a type parameter,  // It's in the object  // Commonly used design patterns, these objects  //Stored in the generic list.  public class Person : IComparable&lt;Person&gt;
    string name;
    int age;
    public Person(string s, int i)
      name = s;
      age = i;
    // This will make the list element    // Sort by age value.    public int CompareTo(Person p)
      return age - ;
    public override string ToString()
      return name + ":" + age;
    // Equals must be implemented.    public bool Equals(Person p)
      return ( == );
  class Generics
    static void Main(string[] args)
      // Declare and instantiate a new paradigm SortedList class.      // Person is a type parameter.      SortedList&lt;Person&gt; list = new SortedList&lt;Person&gt;();
      // Create name and age values ​​to initialize the Person object.      string[] names = new string[] { "Franscoise", "Bill", "Li", "Sandra", "Gunnar", "Alok", "Hiroyuki", "Maria", "Alessandro", "Raul" };
      int[] ages = new int[] { 45, 19, 28, 23, 18, 9, 108, 72, 30, 35 };
      // Fill in the list.      for (int x = 0; x &lt; ; x++)
        (new Person(names[x], ages[x]));
      ("Unsorted List:");
      // Print out the unsorted list.      foreach (Person p in list)
      // Sort the list.      ();
      (("{0}Sorted List:", ));
      // Print out the sorted list.      foreach (Person p in list)

I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's C# programming.