Updated on 2025-03-06

C# Use FtpWebRequest and FtpWebResponse to complete FTP operations

1. Category:

Indicates the type of FTP protocol method that can be used with FTP requests.

  • Append​File: Indicates the FTP APPE protocol method to be used to append files to existing files on the FTP server.
  • Delete​File: Indicates the FTP DELE protocol method to use to delete files on the FTP server.
  • Download​File: Indicates the FTP RETR protocol method to be used to download files from an FTP server.
  • Get​Date​Timestamp: Indicates the FTP MDTM protocol method to be used to retrieve date timestamps from files on the FTP server.
  • Get​File​Size: Indicates the FTP SIZE protocol method to use to retrieve file sizes on the FTP server.
  • List​Directory: The FTP NLIST protocol method that represents the FTP NLIST protocol method that obtains a short list of files on the FTP server.
  • List​Directory​Details: The FTP LIST protocol method that represents the FTP LIST protocol that obtains a detailed list of files on the FTP server.
  • Make​Directory: Represents the FTP MKD protocol method that creates a directory on the FTP server.
  • Print​Working​Directory: The FTP PWD protocol method that represents the name of the current working directory.
  • Remove​Directory: Indicates the FTP RMD protocol method that removes the directory.
  • Rename: represents the FTP RENAME protocol method of renamed directories.
  • Upload​File: Indicates the FTP STOR protocol method that uploads the file to the FTP server.
  • Upload​File​With​Unique​Name: Indicates the FTP STOU protocol method that uploads files with unique names to the FTP server.

2. Upload the file:

OpenFileDialog opFilDlg = new OpenFileDialog();
if (() == )
{   ftp = new YBBFTPClass("", "", "csp", "welcome", 0);
    ("Uploaded successfully");
/// <summary>
/// Upload file/// </summary>
/// <param name="filename">local file path</param>public void UploadFile(string filename)
    FileInfo fileInf = new FileInfo(filename);
    string uri = "ftp://" + RemoteHost + "/" + ;
    FtpWebRequest reqFTP;

    reqFTP = (FtpWebRequest)(new Uri("ftp://" + RemoteHost + "/" + ));// Create FtpWebRequest object based on uri     = new NetworkCredential(RemoteUser, RemotePass);    // ftp username and password     = false;    // Default is true, the connection will not be closed and executed after a command     = ;    // Specify what command to execute     = true;   // Specify the data transfer type     = ;    // Notify the server file size when uploading
    int contentLen;
    FileStream fileStream = (); // Open a file to read the content into fileStream    contentLen = (buffer, 0, ); ;//Read data from fileStream into buffer
    Stream requestStream = ();
    // The streaming content has not ended    while (contentLen != 0)
        (buffer, 0, contentLen);// Write the content from the buffer to the requestStream and complete the upload.        contentLen = (buffer, 0, );

    // Close two streams    ();
    //uploadResponse = (FtpWebResponse)();

3. Download the file

1. Core code

/// &lt;summary&gt;
/// Download the file/// &lt;/summary&gt;
/// <param name="filePath">Local Directory</param>/// <param name="fileName">Remote Path</param>public void DownloadFile(string filePath, string fileName)
    FtpWebRequest reqFTP;
        FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath + "\\" + fileName, );

        reqFTP = (FtpWebRequest)(new Uri("ftp://" + RemoteHost + "/" + fileName));
         = ;
         = true;
         = new NetworkCredential(RemoteUser, RemotePass);

        FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse)();
        Stream responseStream = ();//Get response stream from ftp response
        //long cl = ;
        byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
        int readCount;

        readCount = (buffer, 0, );//Read data from ftp's responseStream into buffer        while (readCount &gt; 0)
            (buffer, 0, readCount);//Read data from buffer into fileStream and complete download            readCount = (buffer, 0, );

    catch (Exception ex)


FolderBrowserDialog fldDlg = new FolderBrowserDialog();
if (().Length &gt; 0)
    if (() == )
        (, ());
        ("Download successfully");
    ("Please enter the File name to download");

3. Webform pop-up download prompt:

FtpClient _client = new FtpClient();
Stream stream = _client.OpenRead(FtpFilePath, );

string FtpFilePath = ["FilePath"];
string _fname = (FtpFilePath);
 = "application/" + _fname.Split('.')[1];
("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + _fname);

byte[] buffer = new byte[10240];
int readCount;
    readCount = (buffer, 0, );
    (buffer, 0, readCount);//Continuous writing to stream} while (readCount != 0);

(buffer, 0, );


4. Delete files

string uri = "ftp://" + RemoteHost + "/" + fileName;
FtpWebRequest reqFTP;
reqFTP = (FtpWebRequest)(new Uri("ftp://" + RemoteHost + "/" + fileName));

 = new NetworkCredential(RemoteUser, RemotePass);
 = false;
 = ;

string result = ;
FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse)();
long size = ;
Stream datastream = ();
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(datastream);
result = ();

Complete code reference:


This is the end of this article about C# using FtpWebRequest and FtpWebResponse to complete FTP operations. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's learning and I hope everyone will support me more.