Command line:
Devenv Start VS Studio
Isqlw Start SQL2000 Query Analyzer
Sqlwb Start SQL2005 Enterprise Manager
Inetmgr Start IIS Manager
Ctrl+M,O fold all outlines
Ctrl+M,P: Stop the outline display
Ctrl+M,M: Hide or expand the currently nested collapsed state
Ctrl+M,L: Set all processes to the same hidden or expanded state
Ctrl+K,Ctrl+C: Comment the selected content
Ctrl+K,Ctrl+U: Unselect comment content
Ctrl+B,T toggle bookmark switch
Ctrl+B,N Move to next bookmark
Ctrl+B,P: Move to the previous bookmark
Ctrl+B,C: Clear all tags
Code Search
Ctrl+I: Progressive Search
Ctrl+Shift+I: Reverse Progressive Search
Ctrl+F: Find
Ctrl+Shift+F: Find in the file
F3: Find the next one
Shift+F3: Find the previous one
Ctrl+H: Replace
Ctrl+Shift+H: Replace in file
Alt+F12: Search symbols (list all search results)
Code view
Ctrl+J: List members' intelligence perception
Ctrl+K,P: Parameter information
Ctrl+K,I: Quick information
Ctrl+up and down arrow keys: Scroll the code screen, but do not move the cursor position.
Ctrl+G: Go to the specified line
F12: Go to the definition of the called procedure or variable
F12+Shift: Find all references to a calling process or variable
F8 defines the error position displayed in the error list
F4 Display Properties Window
CTRL + minus sign Position backwards
CTRL + SHIFT + Minus Position forward
Code Edit
Shift+Alt+Enter: Toggle full screen editing
Ctrl+Shift+V: Clipboard loop
Ctrl+left and right arrow keys: One word can be moved at a time
Shift + Home(End): Select the code from the cursor to the beginning (end) of the line
Ctrl+Shift+L: Delete the current line
Ctrl+L: Cut the current line
Ctrl+E,S: View blank
Ctrl+E,W: Automatic line wrap
Shift+Alt+arrow keys: Select rectangular text
Alt+left mouse button: Select rectangular text
Alt+Shift+Mouse: Select the rectangle in your circle
Ctrl+Shift+U: All become capitalized
Ctrl+U: All become lowercase
Ctrl+K,M: Generate method stub
Ctrl+K,K: Set bookmarks
Ctrl+K,X: Insert code segment
Ctrl+K,S: Insert the outer code
Ctrl+k,F: Format the entire block
Shift+Alt+F10 interface automatically completes
Ctrl +]: Check the bracket matching (switch between left and right brackets)
Ctrl+K,Ctrl+D: Format for scheduling the entire document
Window shortcut keys
Ctrl+Tab: Active file switching
Ctrl+F6: Switch the active files one by one
Ctrl+Alt+Down arrow: Active file switching list
Alt+F7: Active tool window switching
Ctrl+W,W: Browser window
Ctrl+W,S: Solution Manager
Ctrl+W,C: Class View
Ctrl+W,E: Error list
Ctrl+W,O: Output view
Ctrl+W,P: Properties window
Ctrl+W,T: Task list
Ctrl+W,X: Toolbox
Ctrl+W,B: Bookmark window
Ctrl+W,U: Document outline
Code debugging:
Ctrl+D,B: Breakpoint window
Ctrl+D,I: Instant window
F9: Breakpoint
F10: Process by process
F11: Sentence by sentence
F5: Start debugging
F6: Generate Solution
Devenv Start VS Studio
Isqlw Start SQL2000 Query Analyzer
Sqlwb Start SQL2005 Enterprise Manager
Inetmgr Start IIS Manager
Ctrl+M,O fold all outlines
Ctrl+M,P: Stop the outline display
Ctrl+M,M: Hide or expand the currently nested collapsed state
Ctrl+M,L: Set all processes to the same hidden or expanded state
Ctrl+K,Ctrl+C: Comment the selected content
Ctrl+K,Ctrl+U: Unselect comment content
Ctrl+B,T toggle bookmark switch
Ctrl+B,N Move to next bookmark
Ctrl+B,P: Move to the previous bookmark
Ctrl+B,C: Clear all tags
Code Search
Ctrl+I: Progressive Search
Ctrl+Shift+I: Reverse Progressive Search
Ctrl+F: Find
Ctrl+Shift+F: Find in the file
F3: Find the next one
Shift+F3: Find the previous one
Ctrl+H: Replace
Ctrl+Shift+H: Replace in file
Alt+F12: Search symbols (list all search results)
Code view
Ctrl+J: List members' intelligence perception
Ctrl+K,P: Parameter information
Ctrl+K,I: Quick information
Ctrl+up and down arrow keys: Scroll the code screen, but do not move the cursor position.
Ctrl+G: Go to the specified line
F12: Go to the definition of the called procedure or variable
F12+Shift: Find all references to a calling process or variable
F8 defines the error position displayed in the error list
F4 Display Properties Window
CTRL + minus sign Position backwards
CTRL + SHIFT + Minus Position forward
Code Edit
Shift+Alt+Enter: Toggle full screen editing
Ctrl+Shift+V: Clipboard loop
Ctrl+left and right arrow keys: One word can be moved at a time
Shift + Home(End): Select the code from the cursor to the beginning (end) of the line
Ctrl+Shift+L: Delete the current line
Ctrl+L: Cut the current line
Ctrl+E,S: View blank
Ctrl+E,W: Automatic line wrap
Shift+Alt+arrow keys: Select rectangular text
Alt+left mouse button: Select rectangular text
Alt+Shift+Mouse: Select the rectangle in your circle
Ctrl+Shift+U: All become capitalized
Ctrl+U: All become lowercase
Ctrl+K,M: Generate method stub
Ctrl+K,K: Set bookmarks
Ctrl+K,X: Insert code segment
Ctrl+K,S: Insert the outer code
Ctrl+k,F: Format the entire block
Shift+Alt+F10 interface automatically completes
Ctrl +]: Check the bracket matching (switch between left and right brackets)
Ctrl+K,Ctrl+D: Format for scheduling the entire document
Window shortcut keys
Ctrl+Tab: Active file switching
Ctrl+F6: Switch the active files one by one
Ctrl+Alt+Down arrow: Active file switching list
Alt+F7: Active tool window switching
Ctrl+W,W: Browser window
Ctrl+W,S: Solution Manager
Ctrl+W,C: Class View
Ctrl+W,E: Error list
Ctrl+W,O: Output view
Ctrl+W,P: Properties window
Ctrl+W,T: Task list
Ctrl+W,X: Toolbox
Ctrl+W,B: Bookmark window
Ctrl+W,U: Document outline
Code debugging:
Ctrl+D,B: Breakpoint window
Ctrl+D,I: Instant window
F9: Breakpoint
F10: Process by process
F11: Sentence by sentence
F5: Start debugging
F6: Generate Solution