Updated on 2025-03-06

Do you know C# Socket-based network communication class?


The reason why Socket socket communication library is encapsulated is that it is mainly because directly using sockets for network communication programming is relatively complicated, especially for beginners. In fact, Microsoft has provided TCP and UDP communication advanced encapsulation classes since .net 2.0 as follows:


Microsoft has provided an asynchronous communication interface based on Task tasks since .net 4.0. When using the socket encapsulation library directly, many socket details cannot be controlled by themselves. This article aims to provide a socket encapsulation for reference. The article shows that some of the TCP communication library is encapsulated, and UDP packaging can also be used by the following:



using System;
using ;
using ;
using ;
namespace NetDemo
    // Network operation related classes    public class InternetProHelper
       // Check whether the set port number is correct and return the correct port number. The invalid port number returns -1        public static int GetNetPort(string NetPort)
            //Declare the correct port number returned            int resPort = -1;
            //Detection of port number            try
                // If the incoming port number is empty, an exception will be thrown                if (NetPort == "")
                    throw new Exception("The port number cannot be empty!");
                //Detection of port range                if ((Convert.ToInt32(NetPort) < ) || (Convert.ToInt32(NetPort) > ))
                    throw new Exception("The port number range is invalid!");
                // Assign value to port number                resPort = Convert.ToInt32(NetPort);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string errMessage = ;
            return resPort;
        public static IPAddress StringToIPAddress(string NetIP)
            // Convert IP address in string form to IPAddress object            return (NetIP);
        public static string LocalHostName
            // Get the computer name of the machine            get
                return ();
        public static string LANIP
            // Get the local area network IP of the machine            get
                //Get the IP list of the machine. The first item in the IP list is the LAN IP, and the second item is the WAN IP                IPAddress[] IPaddrList = (()).AddressList;
                //If the native IP list is empty, return an empty string                if ( < 1)
                    return "";
                //Return to the local area network IP of the machine                return IPaddrList[0].ToString();
        public static string GetClientIP(Socket clientSocket)
            // Get the IP address of the remote client            IPEndPoint client = (IPEndPoint);//NetSocket object of client            return ();
        public static IPEndPoint CreateIPEndPoint(string NetIP, int NetPort)
            // Create an IPEndPoint object            IPAddress ipAddress = StringToIPAddress(NetIP);
            return new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, NetPort);
        public static TcpListener CreateTcpListener()
            //Create an automatically allocated network node            IPAddress ipAddress = ;
            IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, 0);
            return new TcpListener(localEndPoint);
        public static TcpListener CreateTcpListener(string NetIP, int NetPort)
            //Create a network node            IPAddress ipAddress = StringToIPAddress(NetIP);
            IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, NetPort);
            return new TcpListener(localEndPoint);
        public static Socket CreateTcpSocket()
            // Create a Socket object based on TCP protocol            return new Socket(, , );
        public static Socket CreateUdpSocket()
            // Create a Socket object based on UDP protocol            return new Socket(, , );
        public static IPEndPoint GetLocalPoint(TcpListener tcpListener)
            // Get the local endpoint of the TcpListener object            return (IPEndPoint);
        public static string GetLocalPoint_IP(TcpListener tcpListener)
            // Get the IP address of the local endpoint of the TcpListener object            IPEndPoint localEndPoint = (IPEndPoint);
            return ();
        public static int GetLocalPoint_Port(TcpListener tcpListener)
            // Get the port number of the local endpoint of the TcpListener object            IPEndPoint localEndPoint = (IPEndPoint);
            return ;
        public static IPEndPoint GetLocalPoint(Socket NetSocket)
            // Get the local endpoint of the Socket object            return (IPEndPoint);
        public static string GetLocalPoint_IP(Socket NetSocket)
            // Get the IP address of the local endpoint of the Socket object            IPEndPoint localEndPoint = (IPEndPoint);
            return ();
        public static int GetLocalPoint_Port(Socket NetSocket)
            // Get the port number of the local endpoint of the Socket object            IPEndPoint localEndPoint = (IPEndPoint);
            return ;
        public static void BindEndPoint(Socket NetSocket, IPEndPoint endPoint)
            // Bind the endpoint            if (!)
        public static void BindEndPoint(Socket NetSocket, string NetIP, int NetPort)
            //Create endpoint            IPEndPoint endPoint = CreateIPEndPoint(NetIP, NetPort);
            //Bind endpoint            if (!)
        public static void StartListen(Socket NetSocket, int NetPort)
            //Create a local endpoint            IPEndPoint localPoint = CreateIPEndPoint(, NetPort);
            //Bind to local endpoint            BindEndPoint(NetSocket, localPoint);
            //Start monitoring            (200);
        public static void StartListen(Socket NetSocket, int NetPort, int maxConnection)
            //Create a local endpoint            IPEndPoint localPoint = CreateIPEndPoint(, NetPort);
            //Bind to local endpoint            BindEndPoint(NetSocket, localPoint);
            //Start monitoring            (maxConnection);
        public static void StartListen(Socket NetSocket, string NetIP, int NetPort, int maxConnection)
            //Bind to local endpoint            BindEndPoint(NetSocket, NetIP, NetPort);
            //Start monitoring            (maxConnection);
        public static bool Connect(Socket NetSocket, string NetIP, int NetPort)
            // Connect to a server based on TCP protocol. Return true after successful connection, otherwise return false            try
                //Connect the server                (NetIP, NetPort);
                //Detection of connection status                return (-1, );
            catch (SocketException ex)
                throw new Exception();
        // Send messages to the specified Socket object in a synchronous manner        public static void SendMsg(Socket NetSocket, byte[] dataStr)
            //Send a message            (dataStr, , );
        // Send messages to specified Socket objects in a synchronous manner using UTF8 encoding format        public static void SendMsg(Socket NetSocket, string dataStr)
            //Convert string message to character array            byte[] NetBuf = .(dataStr);
            //Send a message            (NetBuf, , );
        // Receive messages in synchronous manner        public static void ReceiveMsg(Socket NetSocket, byte[] NetBuf)
        // Receive messages in synchronous manner        public static string ReceiveMsg(Socket NetSocket)
            //Define the receive buffer            byte[] NetBuf = new byte[10000];
            //Receive data and obtain the number of bytes received            int RecvNum = (NetBuf);
            //Define temporary buffer            byte[] DataBuf = new byte[RecvNum];
            //Write the received data to the temporary buffer            (NetBuf, 0, DataBuf, 0, RecvNum);
            //Train DataBuf            return (DataBuf);
        // Close Socket object based on Tcp protocol        public static void Close(Socket NetSocket)
                //Socket objects are prohibited from receiving and sending data                ();
            catch (SocketException ex)
                throw ex;
                //Close Socket object                ();


That’s all for this article. I hope it can help you and I hope you can pay more attention to more of my content!