Member Name |
illustrate |
Add |
Addition operations, such as a + b, do not perform overflow checks and are targeted at numerical operands. |
AddAssign |
Addition and compound assignment operations, such as (a += b), do not perform overflow checks and are targeted at numerical operands. |
AddAssignChecked |
Addition and compound assignment operations, such as (a += b), perform overflow checks and target numerical operands. |
AddChecked |
Addition operations, such as (a + b), perform overflow checks, for numerical operands. |
And |
Bitwise or logical AND operations, such as (a & b) in C# and (a And b) in Visual Basic. |
AndAlso |
In condition AND operation that calculates the second operand is true only if the calculation result of the first operand is. It corresponds to (a && b) in C# and (a AndAlso b) in Visual Basic. |
AndAssign |
Bitwise or logical AND compound assignment operation, such as (a &= b) in C#. |
ArrayIndex |
Indexing operations are in one-dimensional arrays, such as array[index] in C# or array(index) in Visual Basic. |
ArrayLength |
Gets the length of a one-dimensional array, such as the operation. |
Assign |
Assignment operation, such as (a = b). |
Block |
Block of expression. |
Call |
A method call, such as in the () expression. |
Coalesce |
A means empty merge operation, such as node (a ?? b) in C# or If(a, b) in Visual Basic. |
Conditional |
Conditional operations, such as a > b ? a : b in C# or If(a > b, a, b) in Visual Basic. |
Constant |
The value of a constant. |
Convert |
Cases or conversion operations, such as (SampleType)obj C# or CType(obj, SampleType) in Visual Basic. For conversion of numeric values, if the converted value is too large for the target type, no exception will be raised. |
ConvertChecked |
Cases or conversion operations, such as (SampleType)obj C# or CType(obj, SampleType) in Visual Basic. For conversion of numeric values, if the converted value does not match the target type, an exception is thrown. |
DebugInfo |
Debugging information. |
Decrement |
Unary decreasing operations, such as (a - 1) C# and Visual Basic. The object a should not be modified in-place. |
Default |
default value. |
Divide |
Division operations, such as (a/b), for numerical operands. |
DivideAssign |
The composite assignment operation of division, such as (a /= b), is for numerical operands. |
Dynamic |
Dynamic operation. |
Equal |
A representation of equal comparisons, such as nodes (a == b) in C# or (a = b) in Visual Basic. |
ExclusiveOr |
Bitwise or logical XOR operations, such as (a ^ b) in C# or (a Xor b) in Visual Basic. |
ExclusiveOrAssign |
Bitwise or logical XOR compound assignment operation, such as (a ^= b) in C#. |
Extension |
Extended expression. |
Goto |
A "go to" expression such as goto Label in C# or GoTo Label in Visual Basic. |
GreaterThan |
"Greater than" comparison, such as (a > b). |
GreaterThanOrEqual |
"Greater than or equal to" comparison, such as (a >= b). |
Increment |
Unary incremental operations, such as (a + 1) in C# and Visual Basic. The object a should not be modified in-place. |
Index |
Indexing operations or accessing properties that do not take parameters. |
Invoke |
The delegate or lambda expression of the operation call, such as (). |
IsFalse |
A false condition value. |
IsTrue |
A true conditional value. |
Label |
Label. |
Lambda |
Lambda expressions, such as a => a + a in C# or Function(a) a + a in Visual Basic. |
LeftShift |
bitwise left shift operation, such as (a << b). |
LeftShiftAssign |
Bit-left-shift compound assignment operation, such as (a <<= b). |
LessThan |
"less than" comparison, such as (a < b). |
LessThanOrEqual |
"less than or equal to" comparison, such as (a <= b). |
ListInit |
Create a new operationIEnumerableObject and initialize it from the element in the list, such as new List<SampleType>(){ a, b, c } in C# or Dim sampleList = { a, b, c } in Visual Basic. |
Loop |
A loop, such as for or while. |
MemberAccess |
From a field or property, such as a read operation. |
MemberInit |
Operation, create a new object and initialize one or more members, such as new Point { X = 1, Y = 2 } in C# or New Point With {.X = 1, .Y = 2} in Visual Basic. |
Modulo |
Arithmetic remainder operation, such as (a % b) in C# or (a Mod b) in Visual Basic. |
ModuloAssign |
Arithmetic remainder compound assignment operation, such as (a %= b) in C#. |
Multiply |
Multiplication operations, such as (a * b), do not perform overflow checks, and are targeted at numerical operands. |
MultiplyAssign |
Multiplication compound assignment operations, such as (a *= b), do not perform overflow checks and are targeted at numerical operands. |
MultiplyAssignChecked |
Multiplication compound assignment operations, such as (a *= b),,, perform overflow checks and target numerical operands. |
MultiplyChecked |
Multiplication operations, such as (a * b),, perform overflow checks, for numerical operands. |
Negate |
Arithmetic inverse operation, such as (-a). The object a should not be modified in-place. |
NegateChecked |
Arithmetic inverse operations, such as (-a), ,, perform overflow checks. The object a should not be modified in-place. |
New |
Call the constructor to create a new object, such as the operation new SampleType(). |
NewArrayBounds |
Create a new array where the lower limit of each dimension is specified, such as the operation new SampleType[dim1, dim2] in C# or New SampleType(dim1, dim2) in Visual Basic. |
NewArrayInit |
Operation, create a new one-dimensional array and initialize it from the list elements, such as new SampleType[]{a, b, c} in C# or New SampleType(){a, b, c} in Visual Basic. |
Not |
Find complement by bit or logical inverse operation. In C#, it is equivalent to (~a) integer and (!a) boolean values. In Visual Basic, it is equivalent to (Not a). The object a should not be modified in-place. |
NotEqual |
Unequal comparisons, such as (a != b) in C# or (a <> b) in Visual Basic. |
OnesComplement |
A binary inverse operation, such as (~a) in C#. |
Or |
Bitwise or logical OR operations, such as (a | b) in C# or (a Or b) in Visual Basic. |
OrAssign |
Bitwise or logical OR compound assignment operation, such as (a |= b) in C#. |
OrElse |
Short-circuit condition OR operation, such as (a || b) in C# or (a OrElse b) in Visual Basic. |
Parameter |
A reference to the context of an expression of an argument or variable. For more information, seeParameterExpression。 |
PostDecrementAssign |
The unary suffix is decreasing, such as (a--). The object a should be modified on the spot. |
PostIncrementAssign |
The unary suffix is incremented, such as (a++). The object a should be modified on the spot. |
Power |
Such as mathematical operation that triggers numbers to exponentiate (a ^ b) in Visual Basic. |
PowerAssign |
For example, compound assignment operation that triggers the exponent operation of numbers (a ^= b) is in Visual Basic. |
PreDecrementAssign |
The unary prefix is decreasing, such as (--a). The object a should be modified on the spot. |
PreIncrementAssign |
The unary prefix is incremented, such as (++a). The object a should be modified on the spot. |
Quote |
Expressions with constant values of typeExpression. A Quote node can contain references to parameters defined in the context of the expression it represents. |
RightShift |
Bitwise right-shift operation, such as (a >> b). |
RightShiftAssign |
Bitwise right-shift compound assignment operation, such as (a >>= b). |
RuntimeVariables |
List of runtime variables. For more information, seeRuntimeVariablesExpression。 |
Subtract |
Subtraction operations, such as (a - b), do not perform overflow checks, and are targeted at numerical operands. |
SubtractAssign |
Subtraction compound assignment operations, such as (a -= b), do not perform overflow checks, and are targeted at numerical operands. |
SubtractAssignChecked |
Subtraction compound assignment operations, such as (a -= b),,, perform overflow checks and target numerical operands. |
SubtractChecked |
Arithmetic subtraction operations, such as (a - b),,, perform overflow checks, for numerical operands. |
Switch |
A switch operation, such as switch in C# or Select Case in Visual Basic. |
Throw |
Throw an exception, such as throw new Exception() operation. |
Try |
A try-catch expression. |
TypeAs |
An explicit reference or boxing conversion is in null If the conversion fails, such as (obj as SampleType) in C# or TryCast(obj, SampleType) in Visual Basic. |
TypeEqual |
Exact type test. |
TypeIs |
A type test, such as obj is SampleType in C# or TypeOf obj is SampleType in Visual Basic. |
UnaryPlus |
One-cent positive operation, such as (+a). The result of a predefined unary positive operation is the value of the operand, but user-defined implementations may have unusual results. |
Unbox |
Unboxing value types, as described in unbox and MSIL. |