Updated on 2025-03-06

C# sample code for image compression (the best compression effect for jpg)

Directly upload the code

public static class ImageCompress
    /// <summary>
    /// Picture compression    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="imagePath">Image file path</param>    /// <param name="targetFolder">Save folder</param>    /// <param name="quality">Compression quality</param>    /// <param name="fileSuffix">Compressed file name suffix (prevent direct overwriting of the original file)</param>    public static void CompressionImage(string imagePath, string targetFolder, long quality = 100, string fileSuffix = "compress")
      if (!(imagePath))
        throw new FileNotFoundException();
      if (!(targetFolder))
      var fileInfo = new FileInfo(imagePath);
      var fileName = (, "");
      var fileFullName = ($"{targetFolder}", $"{fileName}_{fileSuffix}{}");

      var imageByte = CompressionImage(imagePath, quality);
      var ms = new MemoryStream(imageByte);
      var image = (ms);
    private static byte[] CompressionImage(string imagePath, long quality)
      using (var fileStream = new FileStream(imagePath, ))
        using (var img =(fileStream))
          using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(img))
            var codecInfo = GetEncoder();
            var myEncoder = ;
            var myEncoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(1);
            var myEncoderParameter = new EncoderParameter(myEncoder, quality);
            [0] = myEncoderParameter;
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
              (ms, codecInfo, myEncoderParameters);
              return ();

    private static ImageCodecInfo GetEncoder(ImageFormat format)
      var codecs = ();
      return (codec =&gt;  == );

Calling method (WPF as an example)

private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
      var fileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
      var fileSelect = "";
      if ((this)==true)
        fileSelect = ;
      if((fileSelect)) return;


The above is the detailed content of the sample code for C# image compression (the best effect on jpg compression). For more information about C# image compression, please pay attention to my other related articles!