ComboBox (drop-down list box)
Common properties of ComboBox (drop-down list box):
valueField: The underlying data value name is bound to the drop-down list box. — Submit value
textField: The basic data field name is bound to the drop-down list box. —Display value
url: Load remote list data through URL.
mode: defines how to read list data when text changes. When set to 'remote', the drop-down list box will load data from the server. When set to "remote" mode, user input will be sent to the HTTP request parameter named 'q' to retrieve new data to the server.
clear: Clear the value of the drop-down list box.
select: Select the specified item.
setValue: Sets the value of the drop-down list box.
setValues: Sets the drop-down list box value array.
<input name="storeuuid" class="easyui-combobox" data-options=" url:'store_myList', valueField:'uuid', textField:'name' " />
The above is the method of calling remote data through url loading and calling the ComboBox (drop-down list box) introduced to you by the editor. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you have any questions, please leave me a message. The editor will reply to everyone in time!