Here we provide C# code, convert PPT to PDF. Directly upload the code;
To be introduced; version;
using System; using ; using ; using ; using ; using ; using ; //Office namespacenamespace OfficeToPdf { //Excel class class PowerPointConverter { //Constructor public PowerPointConverter() { } /// <summary> /// Convert PowerPoint to PDF /// </summary> /// <param name="_lstrInputFile">origin file path</param> /// <param name="_lstrOutFile">pdf file output path</param> /// <returns>true Success</returns> public bool ConverterToPdf(string _lstrInputFile, string _lstrOutFile) { lobjPowerPointApp = null; lobjppt = null; object lobjMissing = ; object lobjSaveChanges = null; try { lobjPowerPointApp = new (); lobjppt = (_lstrInputFile, , , ); (_lstrOutFile, , ); } catch (Exception ex) { //Other log operations; return false; } finally { if (lobjppt != null) { (); (lobjppt); lobjppt = null; } if (lobjPowerPointApp != null) { (); (lobjPowerPointApp); lobjPowerPointApp = null; } //Actively activate the garbage collector, mainly to avoid excessive memory usage when converting documents in large quantities, and the garbage collector is not running all the time! (); (); } return true; } } }
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