Updated on 2025-03-07

C# implements a method to determine whether a time point is in a given time interval

This article example describes the method of C# to determine whether a time point is in a given time interval. Share it for your reference. The details are as follows:

Functions are implemented in this article

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:
static bool isLegalTime(DateTime dt, string time_intervals);

Given a string representing time_intervals:

1) Each time point is represented by six digits: for example, 12:34:56 seconds is 123456

2) Every two time points form a time interval, and the character '-' is connected in the middle.

3) There can be multiple time intervals, and different time intervals are separated by characters ';'

For example: "000000-002559;030000-032559;060000-062559;151500-152059"

If the time represented by the DateTime type data dt is in the string time_intervals,

The function returns true, otherwise it returns false

Sample program code:

using System;
using ;
using ;
using ;
using ;
//Use regular expressionusing ;
namespace TimeInterval
 class Program
  static void Main(string[] args)
  /// <summary>
  /// Determine whether a time is within a specified time period  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="time_interval">Time interval string</param>  /// &lt;returns&gt;&lt;/returns&gt;
  static bool isLegalTime(DateTime dt, string time_intervals)
   //Current time   int time_now =  * 10000 +  * 100 + ;
   //View each time interval   string[] time_interval = time_intervals.Split(';');
   foreach (string time in time_interval)
    // Skip the empty data directly    if ((time))
    //Format for a period of time: six numbers-six numbers    if (!(time, "^[0-9]{6}-[0-9]{6}$"))
     ("{0}: Incorrect time data", time);
    string timea = (0, 6);
    string timeb = (7, 6);
    int time_a, time_b;
    //Try to convert to integer    if (!(timea, out time_a))
     ("{0}: Failed to convert to integer", timea);
    if (!(timeb, out time_b))
     ("{0}: Failed to convert to integer", timeb);
    //If the current time is not less than the initial time and not greater than the end time, return true    if (time_a &lt;= time_now &amp;&amp; time_now &lt;= time_b)
     return true;
   //Not within any interval range, return false   return false;

The current time is August 15, 2015 at 16:21:31, so the program output is False

I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's C# programming.