//Declare a delegate
delegate void EventHandler();
class MyClass
//Declare a member variable to save the event handle (delegate called when the event is fired)
private EventHandler m_Handler = null;
//Inspire events
public void FireAEvent()
if (m_Handler != null)
//Declare the event
public event EventHandler AEvent
//Add accessor
//Note that the accessor actually contains an implicit parameter named value
//The value of this parameter is the delegate passed by the client program when calling +=
("AEvent add is called, the HashCode of value is:" + ());
if (value != null)
//Set the m_Handler domain to save the new handler
m_Handler = value;
//Delete the accessor
("AEvent remove is called, the HashCode of value is:" + ());
if (value == m_Handler)
//Set m_Handler to null, the event will no longer be fired
m_Handler = null;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MyClass obj = new MyClass();
//Create a delegation
EventHandler MyHandler = new EventHandler(MyEventHandler);
MyHandler += MyEventHandle2;
//Register the delegation to the event
+= MyHandler;
//Inspire events
//Revoke the delegation from the event
-= MyHandler;
//Inspire the event again
//Event Handler
static void MyEventHandler()
("This is a Event!");
//Event Handler
static void MyEventHandle2()
("This is a Event2!");