#region File Description
#region class modification record: modify a set of descriptions each time
using System;
using .X509Certificates;
/// <summary>
/// Substring structure of digital signature
/// </summary>
public class X509CertificateSubstring
//CN=Shenzhen DriveTheLife Software Technology , OU=Digital ID Class 3 - Microsoft Software Validation v2, O=Shenzhen DriveTheLife Software Technology , L=Shenzhen, S=Guangdong, C=CN
#region Private Field
private string _CN = ;
private string _OU = ;
private string _O = ;
private string _L = ;
private string _S = ;
private string _C = ;
#region Public read-only attribute
public string CN { get { return _CN; } }
public string OU { get { return _OU; } }
public string O { get { return _O; } }
public string L { get { return _L; } }
public string S { get { return _S; } }
public string C { get { return _C; } }
public X509CertificateSubstring() { }
/// <summary>
/// parse the Substring string into a structure
/// </summary>
/// <param name="substring">Substring string</param>
/// <returns>X509CertificateSubstring</returns>
public static X509CertificateSubstring Parse(string substring)
X509CertificateSubstring xcs = new X509CertificateSubstring();
string[] items = (',');
foreach (var item in items)
if (().StartsWith("CN="))
xcs._CN = ().Substring(3); continue;
if (().StartsWith("OU="))
xcs._OU = ().Substring(3); continue;
if (().StartsWith("O="))
xcs._O = ().Substring(2); continue;
if (().StartsWith("L="))
xcs._L = ().Substring(2); continue;
if (().StartsWith("S="))
xcs._S = ().Substring(2); continue;
if (().StartsWith("C="))
xcs._C = ().Substring(2); continue;
return xcs;
/// <summary>
/// parse the Substring string into a structure and return whether the digital signature exists or not
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pyFile">Physical path to read the digitally signed file</param>
/// <param name="xcs">X509CertificateSubstring</param>
/// <returns>bool</returns>
public static bool TryParse(string pyFile, out X509CertificateSubstring xcs)
bool result = true;
xcs = new X509CertificateSubstring();
string SubstringCN = ;
X509Certificate cert = null;
cert = (pyFile);
catch ( ce)
//No digital signature, ignore this exception.
result = false;
catch (Exception ex)
result = false;
throw ex;
if (cert != null)
xcs = ();
return result;