Updated on 2025-03-07

Explanation of C# automatic type conversion and cast type conversion

Automatic type conversion

Implicit Type Conversions - These conversions are C#'s default conversions in a safe manner and do not cause data loss. For example, convert from a small integer type to a large integer type, and from a derived class to a base class.

Conversion rules

From types with small storage range to types with large storage range.

The specific rules for integers are:


In other words, variables of type byte can be automatically converted to short type, sample code:

     byte b = 10;
     short sh = b;

You can jump during type conversion. Sample code:

     byte b1 = 100;            
     int n = b1;

Force type conversion

Explicit type conversion - Explicit type conversion, i.e. cast type conversion. Explicit conversion requires a cast operator, and casting can cause data loss.

Conversion rules

From types with large storage range to types with small storage range.

The specific rules are:


For example:

double d = 5673.74;
int i;
i = (int)d;

.ToInt32()       2.  ()

Convert.ToInt32() Then you can convert values ​​of multiple types (including object  reference type) to int  type because it has many overloaded versions:

  •     public static int ToInt32(object);
  •     public static int ToInt32(bool);
  •     public static int ToInt32(byte);
  •     public static int ToInt32(char);
  •     public static int ToInt32(decimal);
  •     public static int ToInt32(double);
  •     public static int ToInt32(short);
  •     public static int ToInt32(long);
  •     public static int ToInt32(sbyte);
  •     public static int ToInt32(string);

()Indicates converting a string containing a number into a 32-bit signed integer, which belongs to content conversion

  • If string is empty, an ArgumentNullException exception is thrown;
  • If the string format is incorrect, a FormatException exception is thrown;

It can be seen thatConvert.ToInt32()The function is the most powerful, it puts()Functions include, which is also a special case where () is Convert.ToInt32().


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