Updated on 2025-03-07

C# uses Post to call interface and pass json parameters

Post calls the interface and passes json parameters

        public string Post(string Url, string jsonParas)
            string strURL = Url;
            //Create an HTTP request            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)(strURL);
            //Post request method             = "POST";
            //Content Type             = "application/json";
            //Set parameters and perform URL encoding            string paraUrlCoded = jsonParas;//(jsonParas);   
            byte[] payload;
            //Convert Json string to bytes            payload = .(paraUrlCoded);
            //Set the requested ContentLength             = ;
            //Send a request and get the request flow            Stream writer;
                writer = ();//Get the Stream object used to write the request data            }
            catch (Exception)
                writer = null;
                ("Connecting to the server failed!");
            //Write request parameters to stream            (payload, 0, );
            ();//Close the request flow                           // String strValue = "";// strValue is the character stream returned by the http response            HttpWebResponse response;
                //Get the response flow                response = (HttpWebResponse)();
            catch (WebException ex)
                response =  as HttpWebResponse;
            Stream s = ();
            //  Stream postData = ;
            StreamReader sRead = new StreamReader(s);
            string postContent = ();
            return postContent;//Return Json data        }
        //Call: string askurl = testUrl + "?s&mobi=" + mobi + "&sign=" + sign + "&msg=" + encodeMsgs;        //string relust = Post(askurl, "");
        // Or string relust = Post(askurl, s&mobi=" + mobi + "&sign=" + sign + "&msg=" + encodeMsgs);

Post request parameters (send Json parameters, send normal parameters)

1. Send a Post request in Json format

(1) Post call

string PostUrl="http://IP:Port/AAA/BBB/CCC";string ;
string Name="Little Black";  
JObject patientinfo = new JObject();
JArray ids = new JArray();
patientinfo["ids"] = ids;
patientinfo["Name"] = Name;
string sendData = (patientinfo);
//eg: The format required to send Url: sendData={"ids":[123],"Name": Xiaohei}string resultData = Post(sendData, PostUrl);

(2) Post method

#region Post Request/// <summary>
 /// http Post request /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parameterData">parameter</param> /// <param name="serviceUrl">Access Address</param> /// <param name="ContentType">Default application/json , application/x-www-form-urlencoded,multipart/form-data,raw,binary </param> /// <param name="Accept">Default application/json</param> /// &lt;returns&gt;&lt;/returns&gt;
 public string Post(string parameterData, string serviceUrl, string ContentType = "application/json", string Accept = "application/json")
    //First construct the request address based on the uri requested by the user    //string serviceUrl = ("{0}/{1}", , uri);
    //Create a Web access object    HttpWebRequest myRequest = (HttpWebRequest)(serviceUrl);
    //Convert the data sent by the user into a byte stream of "UTF-8"    byte[] buf = ("UTF-8").GetBytes(parameterData);
     = "POST";
    // = "application/json";
    // = "application/json";  // //Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded 
     = ;
     = Accept;
    // = ContentType;
     = "application/json; charset=UTF-8";
     = ;
     = 1;
     = true;
    //("content-type", "application/json");
    //("accept-encoding", "gzip");
    //("accept-charset", "utf-8");
    //Send a request    Stream stream = ();
    (buf, 0, );
    //Get response content through web access object    HttpWebResponse myResponse = (HttpWebResponse)();
    //Create StreamReader object by responding to content streams, because StreamReader is more advanced and faster    StreamReader reader = new StreamReader((), Encoding.UTF8);
    //string returnXml = (());//If there is any encoding problem, use this method    string returnData = ();//Use StreamReader to read from the beginning to the end of the response content    ();
    return returnData;

2. Post request with parameters

(1) Post call

string PostUrl="http://IP:Port/AAA/BBB/CCC";Dictionary&lt;string, string&gt; dic=new Dictionary&lt;string, string&gt;();
string resultData = Post(dic, PostUrl);

(2) Post method

#region post request with parameters  /// &lt;summary&gt;
    /// Specify the Post address to get all strings using Get    /// Post is to transfer data from the server    /// &lt;/summary&gt;
    /// <param name="url">Request Url address</param>    /// <param name="dic">Split Url fields</param>    /// &lt;returns&gt;&lt;/returns&gt;
    public static string Post(string url, Dictionary&lt;string, string&gt; dic)
        #region 【online checked】        //eg: http://IP:Port/AAA/BBB/CCC//Send corresponding parameters        #region Create a Web Access Object        HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)(url);
        // = "POST";
        // = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
         = "POST";
         = ;
         = "application/json; charset=UTF-8";
     #region Post adds and splices parameters to form the corresponding Url address     StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
     int i = 0;
     if ( &gt; 0)
         foreach (var item in dic)
             if (i &gt; 0)
             ("{0}={1}", , );
     #region Send a request     byte[] data = Encoding.(());
      = ;
     using (Stream reqStream = ())
         (data, 0, );
     #region Get response content through web access     string result = "";
     HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)();
     Stream stream = ();
     //Get response content     using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8))
         result = ();
     return result;

The above is personal experience. I hope you can give you a reference and I hope you can support me more.