Updated on 2025-03-07

C# uses connecting database to achieve multi-database access

1. Database connection string


(1)SQL Sever

Standard safety:" Driver={SQL Server}; Server=Aron1; Database=pubs; Uid=sa; Pwd=asdasd; "

Trusted connection:" Driver={SQL Server}; Server=Aron1; Database=pubs; Trusted_Connection=yes; "

(2)SQL Native Client ODBC Driver(>=SQL Server 2005)

Standard safety" Driver={SQL Native Client}; Server=Aron1; Database=pubs; UID=sa; PWD=asdasd; "

Trusted connection
" Driver={SQL Native Client}; Server=Aron1; Database=pubs; Trusted_Connection=yes; "--Integrated Security=SSPI is equivalent to Trusted_Connection=yes


New version:"Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle}; Server=; Uid=Username; Pwd=asdasd; "

Old version:"Driver={Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle}; ConnectString=; Uid=myUsername; Pwd=myPassword; "


Standard safety:"Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; Dbq=C:\; Uid=Admin; Pwd=; "


(1)SQL Sever

Standard safety:" Provider=sqloledb; Data Source=Aron1; Initial Catalog=pubs; User Id=sa; Password=asdasd; "

Trusted connection:
" Provider=sqloledb; Data Source=Aron1; Initial Catalog=pubs; Integrated Security=SSPI; " 
(use serverName\instanceName as Data Source to use an specifik SQLServer instance, only SQLServer2000)

(2)SQL Native Client OLE DB Provider(>=SQL Server 2005)

Standard safety:" Provider=SQLNCLI; Server=Aron1; Database=pubs; UID=sa; PWD=asdasd; "

Trusted connection:
" Provider=SQLNCLI; Server=Aron1; Database=pubs; Trusted_Connection=yes; "--Integrated Security=SSPI is equivalent to Trusted_Connection=yes


Standard safety:
"Provider=msdaora; Data Source=MyOracleDB; User Id=UserName; Password=asdasd; "
This one's from Microsoft, the following are from Oracle

Standard safety:"Provider=; Data Source=MyOracleDB; User Id=Username; Password=asdasd; "

Trusted connection:"Provider=; Data Source=MyOracleDB; OSAuthent=1; "


Standard safety:

"Provider=.4.0; Data Source=\somepath\; User Id=admin; Password=; "

3. SqlConnection() SQL-specific

Standard safety:

" Data Source=Aron1; Initial Catalog=pubs; User Id=sa; Password=asdasd; " 
- or -" Server=Aron1; Database=pubs; User ID=sa; Password=asdasd; Trusted_Connection=False"

Trusted connection:
" Data Source=Aron1; Initial Catalog=pubs; Integrated Security=SSPI; " 
- or -
" Server=Aron1; Database=pubs; Trusted_Connection=True; "–(use serverName\instanceName as Data Source to use an specik SQLServer instance, only for SQLServer2000)

4. OracleConnection(\) Oracle-specific

Standard safety:
"Data Source=MyOracleDB; Integrated Security=yes; " --This one works only with Oracle 8i release 3 or later

Specify username and password:
"Data Source=MyOracleDB; User Id=username; Password=passwd; Integrated Security=no; "--This one works only with Oracle 8i release 3 or later

Specify host:
"Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP) (HOST= (PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME= testDemo))); User Id=oracle_test; Password=oracle"
Among them, Oracle database server IP:
Username: oracle_test
Password: oracle

2. Create various objects using DbProviderFactory

DbProviderFactory is a factory class, and the function of the factory class provides a series of other related classes. Here, DbProviderFactory automatically generates related classes including DbConnection, DbCommand, DbDataAdapter and other database operations.

1. Configuration file ConnectionString section:

        <add name="default"  connectionString="server=localhost; user id=sa; password=******; database=northwind" 

2. Use the DbProviderFactory class to automatically find the driver of the database

ConnectionStringSettings settings = ["default"];
DbProviderFactory provider = ();

3. Create various objects using DbProviderFactory class instance.

using (DbConnection conn = ())
     = ;
    DbCommand cmd = ();
     = "Select top 10 * From ShortTermBill";
    //Use DbDataAdapter    DbDataAdapter da = ();
     = cmd;
    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
    //Use DbDataReader    DbDataReader reader = ()
    while (())

3. Use DbConnection to obtain database architecture information

SQL Server Schema Collection - | Microsoft Official Documentation

class Program
    static void Main()
        string connectionString = GetConnectionString();
        using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
            // Connect to the database then retrieve the schema information.  
            ();string[] columnRestrictions = new String[4];

            // For the array, 0-member represents Catalog; 1-member represents Schema;
            // 2-member represents Table Name; 3-member represents Column Name.
            // Now we specify the Table_Name and Column_Name of the columns what we want to get schema information.
            columnRestrictions[2] = "Device";

            DataTable departmentIDSchemaTable = ("Columns", columnRestrictions);



    private static string GetConnectionString()
        // To avoid storing the connection string in your code,  
        // you can retrieve it from a configuration file.  
        return "server=;Database=TPM;user=it;pwd=;ApplicationIntent=ReadOnly;MultiSubnetFailover=True";
    private static void ShowColumns(DataTable columnsTable)
        var selectedRows = from info in ()
                           select new
                               TableCatalog = info["TABLE_CATALOG"],
                               TableSchema = info["TABLE_SCHEMA"],
                               TableName = info["TABLE_NAME"],
                               ColumnName = info["COLUMN_NAME"],
                               DataType = info["DATA_TYPE"],
                               ORDINAL_POSITION = info["ORDINAL_POSITION"],
                               COLUMN_DEFAULT = info["COLUMN_DEFAULT"],
                               IS_NULLABLE = info["IS_NULLABLE"],
                               CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = info["CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"],
                               NUMERIC_PRECISION = info["NUMERIC_PRECISION"],
                               NUMERIC_SCALE = info["NUMERIC_SCALE"],
                               DATETIME_PRECISION = info["DATETIME_PRECISION"],

        ("{0,-15},{1,-15},{2,-15},{3,-15},{4,-15},{5,-15},{6,-15},{7,-15},{8,-15},{9,-15},{10,-15},{11,-15}", "TableCatalog", "TABLE_SCHEMA",
            "Table name", "List name", "Data Type", "Original order of fields", "Column default values", "Is it empty?", "Maximum string length", "Digital Accuracy", "Number of decimal points", "Date accuracy"
        foreach (var row in selectedRows)
            ("{0,-15},{1,-15},{2,-15},{3,-15},{4,-15},{5,-15},{6,-15},{7,-15},{8,-15},{9,-15},{10,-15},{11,-15}", ,
                , , , , row.ORDINAL_POSITION, row.COLUMN_DEFAULT, row.IS_NULLABLE

This is what this article about C#’s use of connecting databases and DbProviderFactory to achieve multi-database access. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's learning and I hope everyone will support me more.