1. Database connection string
(1)SQL Sever
Standard safety:" Driver={SQL Server}; Server=Aron1; Database=pubs; Uid=sa; Pwd=asdasd; "
Trusted connection:" Driver={SQL Server}; Server=Aron1; Database=pubs; Trusted_Connection=yes; "
(2)SQL Native Client ODBC Driver(>=SQL Server 2005)
Standard safety" Driver={SQL Native Client}; Server=Aron1; Database=pubs; UID=sa; PWD=asdasd; "
Trusted connection" Driver={SQL Native Client}; Server=Aron1; Database=pubs; Trusted_Connection=yes; "
--Integrated Security=SSPI is equivalent to Trusted_Connection=yes
New version:"Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle}; Server=; Uid=Username; Pwd=asdasd; "
Old version:"Driver={Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle}; ConnectString=; Uid=myUsername; Pwd=myPassword; "
Standard safety:"Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; Dbq=C:\; Uid=Admin; Pwd=; "
(1)SQL Sever
Standard safety:" Provider=sqloledb; Data Source=Aron1; Initial Catalog=pubs; User Id=sa; Password=asdasd; "
Trusted connection:" Provider=sqloledb; Data Source=Aron1; Initial Catalog=pubs; Integrated Security=SSPI; "
(use serverName\instanceName as Data Source to use an specifik SQLServer instance, only SQLServer2000)
(2)SQL Native Client OLE DB Provider(>=SQL Server 2005)
Standard safety:" Provider=SQLNCLI; Server=Aron1; Database=pubs; UID=sa; PWD=asdasd; "
Trusted connection:" Provider=SQLNCLI; Server=Aron1; Database=pubs; Trusted_Connection=yes; "
--Integrated Security=SSPI is equivalent to Trusted_Connection=yes
Standard safety:"Provider=msdaora; Data Source=MyOracleDB; User Id=UserName; Password=asdasd; "
This one's from Microsoft, the following are from Oracle
Standard safety:"Provider=; Data Source=MyOracleDB; User Id=Username; Password=asdasd; "
Trusted connection:"Provider=; Data Source=MyOracleDB; OSAuthent=1; "
Standard safety:
"Provider=.4.0; Data Source=\somepath\; User Id=admin; Password=; "
3. SqlConnection() SQL-specific
Standard safety:
" Data Source=Aron1; Initial Catalog=pubs; User Id=sa; Password=asdasd; "
- or -" Server=Aron1; Database=pubs; User ID=sa; Password=asdasd; Trusted_Connection=False"
Trusted connection:" Data Source=Aron1; Initial Catalog=pubs; Integrated Security=SSPI; "
- or -" Server=Aron1; Database=pubs; Trusted_Connection=True; "
–(use serverName\instanceName as Data Source to use an specik SQLServer instance, only for SQLServer2000)
4. OracleConnection(\) Oracle-specific
Standard safety:"Data Source=MyOracleDB; Integrated Security=yes; "
--This one works only with Oracle 8i release 3 or later
Specify username and password:"Data Source=MyOracleDB; User Id=username; Password=passwd; Integrated Security=no; "
--This one works only with Oracle 8i release 3 or later
Specify host:"Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP) (HOST= (PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME= testDemo))); User Id=oracle_test; Password=oracle"
Among them, Oracle database server IP:
Username: oracle_test
Password: oracle
2. Create various objects using DbProviderFactory
DbProviderFactory is a factory class, and the function of the factory class provides a series of other related classes. Here, DbProviderFactory automatically generates related classes including DbConnection, DbCommand, DbDataAdapter and other database operations.
1. Configuration file ConnectionString section:
<configuration> <connectionStrings> <add name="default" connectionString="server=localhost; user id=sa; password=******; database=northwind" providerName=""/> </connectionStrings> </configuration>
2. Use the DbProviderFactory class to automatically find the driver of the database
ConnectionStringSettings settings = ["default"]; DbProviderFactory provider = ();
3. Create various objects using DbProviderFactory class instance.
using (DbConnection conn = ()) { = ; (); DbCommand cmd = (); = "Select top 10 * From ShortTermBill"; //Use DbDataAdapter DbDataAdapter da = (); = cmd; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); (ds); (); ([0].Rows[0]["BillCode"]); //Use DbDataReader DbDataReader reader = () while (()) { ((0)); } (); }
3. Use DbConnection to obtain database architecture information
SQL Server Schema Collection - | Microsoft Official Documentation
class Program { static void Main() { string connectionString = GetConnectionString(); using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { // Connect to the database then retrieve the schema information. ();string[] columnRestrictions = new String[4]; // For the array, 0-member represents Catalog; 1-member represents Schema; // 2-member represents Table Name; 3-member represents Column Name. // Now we specify the Table_Name and Column_Name of the columns what we want to get schema information. columnRestrictions[2] = "Device"; DataTable departmentIDSchemaTable = ("Columns", columnRestrictions); ShowColumns(departmentIDSchemaTable); } } private static string GetConnectionString() { // To avoid storing the connection string in your code, // you can retrieve it from a configuration file. return "server=;Database=TPM;user=it;pwd=;ApplicationIntent=ReadOnly;MultiSubnetFailover=True"; } private static void ShowColumns(DataTable columnsTable) { var selectedRows = from info in () select new { TableCatalog = info["TABLE_CATALOG"], TableSchema = info["TABLE_SCHEMA"], TableName = info["TABLE_NAME"], ColumnName = info["COLUMN_NAME"], DataType = info["DATA_TYPE"], ORDINAL_POSITION = info["ORDINAL_POSITION"], COLUMN_DEFAULT = info["COLUMN_DEFAULT"], IS_NULLABLE = info["IS_NULLABLE"], CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = info["CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"], NUMERIC_PRECISION = info["NUMERIC_PRECISION"], NUMERIC_SCALE = info["NUMERIC_SCALE"], DATETIME_PRECISION = info["DATETIME_PRECISION"], }; ("{0,-15},{1,-15},{2,-15},{3,-15},{4,-15},{5,-15},{6,-15},{7,-15},{8,-15},{9,-15},{10,-15},{11,-15}", "TableCatalog", "TABLE_SCHEMA", "Table name", "List name", "Data Type", "Original order of fields", "Column default values", "Is it empty?", "Maximum string length", "Digital Accuracy", "Number of decimal points", "Date accuracy" ); foreach (var row in selectedRows) { ("{0,-15},{1,-15},{2,-15},{3,-15},{4,-15},{5,-15},{6,-15},{7,-15},{8,-15},{9,-15},{10,-15},{11,-15}", , , , , , row.ORDINAL_POSITION, row.COLUMN_DEFAULT, row.IS_NULLABLE , row.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, row.NUMERIC_PRECISION, row.NUMERIC_SCALE, row.DATETIME_PRECISION); } } }
This is what this article about C#’s use of connecting databases and DbProviderFactory to achieve multi-database access. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's learning and I hope everyone will support me more.