// System interface class
public static class WinAPI
[DllImport("kernel32")] // Interface to write configuration files
private static extern long WritePrivateProfileString(
string section, string key, string val, string filePath);
[DllImport("kernel32")] // Interface for reading configuration files
private static extern int GetPrivateProfileString(
string section, string key, string def,
StringBuilder retVal, int size, string filePath);
// Write values to the configuration file
public static void ProfileWriteValue(
string section, string key, string value, string path)
WritePrivateProfileString(section, key, value, path);
// Read the value of the configuration file
public static string ProfileReadValue(
string section, string key, string path)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(255);
GetPrivateProfileString(section, key, "", sb, 255, path);
return ().Trim();