Updated on 2025-03-07

Set the default Ajax operation cache and error

// Set the default settings for Ajax operations
        cache: false, 
        error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
            if( typeof(errorThrown) != "undefined" )
$.(g_MsgBoxTitle, "The call to the server failed.<br />" + errorThrown ,'error');
                var error = "<b style='color: #f00'>" + + "  " + + "</b>";
                var start = ("<title>");
                var end = ("</title>");
                if( start > 0 && end > start )
                    error += "<br /><br />" + (start + 7, end);
$.(g_MsgBoxTitle, "The call to the server failed.<br />" + error ,'error');