Updated on 2025-03-07

C# implements a method of simplifying the assignment of value to class fields using reflection

This article describes the C# implementation method that uses reflection to simplify assigning values ​​to class fields. Share it for your reference. The specific analysis is as follows:

Explanation: The main idea of ​​this example is to establish a class and database query statement that is consistent.
Then, using reflection, directly use the data field name to piece together and assign values ​​to the fields of the class object.
1. Class definition

namespace CCB_Donet.ClassFolder
 public class FieldRuleInfo
 public string gStrFNo;
 public string gStrFName;
 public string gStrFLock;
 public string gStrFCaption;
 public string gStrFType;
 public string gStrFMust;
 public string gStrFMin;
 public string gStrFMax;
 public string gStrFDefault;
 public string gStrFDate;
 public string gStrFDB;
 public string gStrFAllow;
 public string gStrFDisallow;
 public string gStrFSB;
 public string gStrFBig;
 public string gStrFSmall;
 public string gStrFInputMethod;
 public string gStrFCHK;
 public string gStrFRelation;
 public string gStrFDesc;
 public string gStrFSecond;
 public string gStrFQC;
 public string gStrFException;
 public string gStrFASupp;
 public string gStrFYQH;
 public string gStrFPos;
 public string gStrFStar;
 public string gStrFSave;
 public string gStrFAddress;
 public string gStrFLblColor;
 public string gStrFIsCheckList;
 #region Loading field rules private bool m_GetRule()
  string strSQL = "";
  DataTable dtGet = null;
  if ( == 95)
   strSQL = "select ,,,,," + 
    ",,,,,\r\n" +
   ",,,,,,," + 
   ",,,,\r\n" +
   ",, from P_Field_Rule95 A \r\n" +
   "INNER JOIN P_Field_Initial B ON = \r\n" +
   "where =1 AND ='1' AND " + 
    "(B.FRegion95=1 OR B.FRegion95=-1) ORDER BY ";
   strSQL = "select ,,,,,"+
    ",,,,,\r\n" +
    ",,,,,\r\n" +
    ",,, "+
    "from P_Field_Rule A \r\n" +
    "INNER JOIN P_Field_Initial B ON = \r\n" +
    "where =" + () +
    " AND ='1' AND (=" + () +
    " OR =-1) ORDER BY ";
  dtGet = (strSQL);
  if ( <= 0)
   ("There is no data in the field rule table, please contact the software engineer immediately!", );
   return false;
  //Get class information and prepare for the following reflection call  Type oType = ("CCB_Donet.");
  // Generate an array of class objects, which is consistent with the database records.  mMainFieldRule = new FieldRuleInfo[];  
  for (int i = 0; i < ; i++)
   // Here we use reflection dynamically to assign data to the FieldRuleInfo field   mMainFieldRule[i] = new FieldRuleInfo();
   for (int j = 0; j < ; j++)
   // Here we directly get the field name of the class, and then assign the value of the corresponding field in the database to it   FieldInfo fieldInfo = ("gStr" + [j].ColumnName,
     |  | 
     | );
   (mMainFieldRule[i], [i][j].ToString());
  return true;
  catch (Exception ex)
  return false;
  ("frmDE-m_GetRule", );
  dtGet = null;

I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's C# programming.