Updated on 2025-03-07

C# Export DataTable as Excel file

Implement dataTable to Excel file, and the last sharedConvert Excel file to DataTableNegative operations for each other. The conversion of DataTable into Excel file is by passing in a parameter of DataTable type, and then converting the passed DataTable into Excel file. The key codes are as follows:

Method 1:

/// <summary>
/// Export DataTable data to Excel/// </summary>
/// <param name="data"></param>
/// <param name="filepath"></param>
public static void DataTableExport(DataTable data, string filepath)
        //Workbook book = new Workbook("E:\\"); //Open the workbook        Workbook book = new Workbook(); //Create a workbook        Worksheet sheet = [0]; //Create a worksheet        Cells cells = ; //Cell        //Create style         style = [()];
        [].LineStyle = ; //Application boundary line Left boundary line        [].LineStyle = ; //Apply the boundary line Right boundary line        [].LineStyle = ; //Application boundary line upper boundary line        [].LineStyle = ; //Application boundary line Lower boundary line         = ; //Horizontal alignment of cell content text centered         = "Songyi"; //Font         = true; //Set bold         = 11; //Set font size        // = (153, 204, 0); // Background color        // = ; // Background style        // = true; // Cell contents automatically wrap        
        //File data        int Colnum = ;//Table column count        int Rownum = ;//Table row count        //Generate row column name row        for (int i = 0; i < Colnum; i++)
            cells[0, i].PutValue([i].ColumnName); //Add a header            cells[0, i].SetStyle(style); //Add style            //(i, [i]. * 2 + 1.5); //Custom column width            //(0, 30); //Custom high        }
        //Generate data row        for (int i = 0; i < Rownum; i++)
            for (int k = 0; k < Colnum; k++)
                cells[1 + i, k].PutValue([i][k].ToString()); //Add data                cells[1 + i, k].SetStyle(style); //Add style            }
            cells[1 + i, 5].Formula = "=B" + (2 + i) + "+C" + (2 + i);//Set calculation formulas for cells to calculate the total number of students in the class        }
        (); //Adaptive width        (filepath); //save        ();
    catch (Exception e)
        ("An error occurred when generating excel:" + );

Method 2:

public void ToExcel(DataTable dt)
        #region 3s  
        var FilePath = @"D:\ToExcel\";//Generate Excel file path        DeleteFile(FilePath);
        //Create a brand new workbook        var workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();//A sheet can be up to 65536 lines        var count = 0;
        for (double i = 0; i < () / (65534); i++)//One tab of each Excel file can only store 65536 lines of data        {
            var row_index = 0;
            //Create Sheet            ("Sheet" + i);
            //Get the Sheet object based on the Sheet name            var sheet = ("Sheet" + i);
            IRow row;
            row = (row_index);

            //Write the title            for (int j = 0; j < ; j++)
            row = (++row_index);

            //Write data            for (int j = 0; j < ( - count > 65534 ? 65534 :  - count); j++)
                var r = [j + count];
                for (int k = 0; k <; k++)

                    //If it is a number, determine whether it needs to be converted to a number                    //if (IsNumeric(r[k].ToString()))
                    //    (k).SetCellValue((r[k].ToString()));
                    //    (k).SetCellValue(r[k].ToString());

                row = (++row_index);
            count += row_index - 2;
        //Save Workbook method 1: Save it to the server in file form (a file will be generated every time you export it, use it with caution)        var FileName = ("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xls";

        var sw = (FilePath + FileName);
        var EC = new ExcelConverter();
        (Response, FilePath + FileName);

This is all about this article about exporting DataTable into Excel files in C#. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's learning and I hope everyone will support me more.