This article describes how C# lists all physical network adapters. Share it for your reference. The details are as follows:
using System; using ; using ; using ; using ; using ; namespace RobvanderWoude { class ListNICs { public static ArrayList nics = new ArrayList( ); public static string computer = ; // Use global variables, so we only need to run the WMI queries once public static string nsrootwmi = computer + "root\\WMI"; public static string nsrootcimv2 = computer + "root\\CIMV2"; public static ManagementObjectSearcher searcher1 = new ManagementObjectSearcher( nsrootwmi, "SELECT * FROM MSNdis_PhysicalMediumType" ); public static ManagementObjectCollection wmi1 = ( ); public static ManagementObjectSearcher searcher2 = new ManagementObjectSearcher( nsrootcimv2, "SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter" ); public static ManagementObjectCollection wmi2 = ( ); public static ManagementObjectSearcher searcher3 = new ManagementObjectSearcher( nsrootwmi, "SELECT * FROM MSNdis_LinkSpeed" ); public static ManagementObjectCollection wmi3 = ( ); static int Main( string[] args ) { try { bool listBluetooth = true; bool listWired = true; bool listWireless = true; #region Command line parsing // Only 2 optional argument allowed: remote computer name and/or adapter type if ( > 2 ) { return WriteError( "Invalid command line arguments" ); } if ( > 0 ) { foreach ( string arg in args ) { // We'll display a 'friendly' message if help was requested if ( ( "/" ) || ( "-" ) ) { switch ( ( ) ) { case "/?": case "-?": return WriteError( ); case "/B": case "/BLUETOOTH": if ( ( listBluetooth && listWired && listWireless ) == false ) { return WriteError( "Select a single adapter type only, or omit type to select all" ); } listWired = false; listWireless = false; break; case "/W": case "/WIRED": if ( ( listBluetooth && listWired && listWireless ) == false ) { return WriteError( "Select a single adapter type only, or omit type to select all" ); } listBluetooth = false; listWireless = false; break; case "/WL": case "/WIFI": case "/WIRELESS": if ( ( listBluetooth && listWired && listWireless ) == false ) { return WriteError( "Select a single adapter type only, or omit type to select all" ); } listBluetooth = false; listWired = false; break; default: return WriteError( "Invalid command line argument" ); } } else { if ( !( computer ) ) { return WriteError( "Do not specify more than one computer name" ); } computer = "\\\\" + arg + "\\"; } } } #endregion Command line parsing foreach ( ManagementObject queryObj1 in wmi1 ) { if ( queryObj1["NdisPhysicalMediumType"].ToString( ) == "10" ) { if ( listBluetooth ) { AddAdapter( queryObj1["InstanceName"].ToString( ), "Bluetooth" ); } } if ( queryObj1["NdisPhysicalMediumType"].ToString( ) == "0" ) { if ( listWired ) { AddAdapter( queryObj1["InstanceName"].ToString( ), "Wired" ); } } if ( queryObj1["NdisPhysicalMediumType"].ToString( ) == "1" ) { if ( listWireless ) { AddAdapter( queryObj1["InstanceName"].ToString( ), "Wireless" ); } } } ( ); foreach ( string nic in nics ) { ( nic ); } return 0; } catch ( Exception e ) { return WriteError( e ); } } public static void AddAdapter( string name, string type ) { foreach ( ManagementObject queryObj2 in wmi2 ) { if ( ( queryObj2["Name"].ToString( ) == name ) && ( queryObj2["PhysicalAdapter"] ) ) { foreach ( ManagementObject queryObj3 in wmi3 ) { if ( queryObj3["InstanceName"].ToString( ) == name ) { ( ( "{0,6}", Convert.ToInt32( queryObj3["NdisLinkSpeed"] ) / 10000 ) + " Mb/s\t" + ( "{0,-11}", "[" + type + "]" ) + "\t" + name ); } } } } } #region Error handling public static int WriteError( Exception e ) { return WriteError( e == null ? null : ); } public static int WriteError( string errorMessage ) { if ( ( errorMessage ) == false ) { ( ); = ; ( "ERROR: " ); = ; ( errorMessage ); ( ); } ( ); ( "ListNICs, Version 1.00" ); ( "List physical network adapters on the specified computer" ); ( ); ( "Usage: " ); = ; ( "LISTNICS" ); ( ); ( " [ computername ] [ " ); = ; ( "/B" ); ( ); ( "luetooth | " ); = ; ( "/W" ); ( ); ( "ired | " ); = ; ( "/W" ); ( ); ( "ire" ); = ; ( "L" ); ( ); ( "ess ]" ); ( ); ( "Where: \"computername\" is a remote computer name (default: this computer)" ); = ; ( " /B" ); ( ); ( "luetooth or " ); = ; ( "/B" ); ( ); ( " list Bluetooth adapters only (default: all)" ); = ; ( " /W" ); ( ); ( "ired or " ); = ; ( "/W" ); ( ); ( " list wired adapters only (default: all)" ); = ; ( " /W" ); ( ); ( "ire" ); = ; ( "L" ); ( ); ( "ess or " ); = ; ( "/WL" ); ( ); ( " list wireless adapters only (default: all)" ); ( ); ( "Written by Rob van der Woude" ); return 1; } #endregion Error handling } }
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's C# programming.