The examples in this article summarize the interaction methods between .net and javascript scripts and share them with you for your reference. The specific methods are as follows:
Call js
("alert('Welcome to the Peak');" );
("='';") ;
("</script>") ;
In this case, you can call the functions of the JS script in the page.
2. How to access the value of the server control by js script
There is a TextBox control on the interface with the ID Name. You can use the following script to get the Name value in js.
3. How to get the value of a variable in js
The method is to put a hidden control HtmlInputHidden on the interface and set it to run as a server control, so that the value of the control can be accessed in the js script and in the code.
Assign values to server controls in js:
Used in to access.
4. Calling of functions between the foreground and the background
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function callServer(arg){
var oTb = ('<%= %>');
// A variable passed to the server in arg
arg = ;
<%=(this, "arg", "receiveServerResult", null, true)%>
function receiveServerResult(result){
// Add the logic to process the results returned by the server here. The result variable is the result returned by the server.
...// Some codes are omitted here
<asp:TextBox ID="editValue" runat="server" />
<asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" runat="server" Text="Submit Data" OnClientClick="callServer();return false;" />
CS file:
C# code
public partial class _Default : , ICallbackEventHandler
private string m_strResult = "";
#region ICallbackEventHandler Members
public string GetCallbackResult()
// Return the server-side processing result to receiveServerResult method
return m_strResult;
public void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument)
// eventArgument is a variable transmitted from the client, corresponding to arg variable
// Add server-side processing logic here...
m_strResult = eventArgument;
Execute functions in C# code in functions:
Method 1:
①. First create a button and write the call or processed content into button_click in the background;
②. Write a js function in the front desk, the content is
③. Calling js functions in the foreground or background to inspire click events is equivalent to accessing the background c# function;
Method 2:
①. Function declaration is public
Background code (it is also OK to change public to protected)
②. Use <%=fucntion()%> in html to call
Front desk script
var a = "<%=ss()%>";
Method 3:
function __doPostBack(eventTarget, eventArgument)
var theForm = document.Form1; //Refers to the form of runat=server
theForm.__EVENTTARGET.value = eventTarget;
theFrom.__EVENTARGUMENT.value = eventArgument;
<input type="button" name="Button1" value="button" onclick="javascript:doPostBack('Button1','')">
Method 4:
function SubmitKeyClick()
if ( == 13)
= true;
= false;
="The name of the function you want to call";
<INPUT onkeypress="SubmitKeyClick()" type="text">
<input type="hidden" name="FunName"> <!--To store the function you want to call -->
In .CS there are:
if (!())
string strFunName=["FunName"]!=null?["FunName"]:"";
//Decide which function to call based on the value passed back
case "enter()":
enter() ; //Call this function
case "Other":
//Calling other functions
//Calling the default function
public void enter()
//…For example, calculate a certain value
6. Access C# variables in JavaScript
Method 1: Access through the hidden domain on the page
Method 2: If the background defines PUBLIC STRING N; the format of referenced this variable in the foreground js is '<%=n%>' or "+<%=n%>+"
Method 3: Or you can register a script on the page after the server-side variable assignment
"<script language='javascript'>var temp=" + tmp + "</script>"
tmp is a background variable, and then you can directly access temp to get the value in js.
7. Access JavaScript functions in C#
Execute javaScript functions in c# code:
Method 1:
Method 2: Use the Literal class, and then
string str;
str="<script language='javascript'>";
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's C# programming.