C# structure
In C#, a structure is a value type data structure. It allows a single variable to store relevant data for various data types. The struct keyword is used to create a structure.
Define structure
struct Books { public string title; public string author; public string subject; public int book_id; };
How to use the structure
public class testStructure { public static void Main(string[] args) { Books Book1; /* Declare Book1, type Book */ Books Book2; /* Declare Book2, type Book */ /* book 1 details */ = "C Programming"; = "Nuha Ali"; = "C Programming Tutorial"; Book1.book_id = 6495407; /* book 2 details */ = "Telecom Billing"; = "Zara Ali"; = "Telecom Billing Tutorial"; Book2.book_id = 6495700; /* Print Book1 message */ ( "Book 1 title : {0}", ); ("Book 1 author : {0}", ); ("Book 1 subject : {0}", ); ("Book 1 book_id :{0}", Book1.book_id); /* Print Book2 information */ ("Book 2 title : {0}", ); ("Book 2 author : {0}", ); ("Book 2 subject : {0}", ); ("Book 2 book_id : {0}", Book2.book_id); (); } }
Class vs Structure
Classes and structures have the following basic differences:
- Classes are reference types, and structures are value types.
- Structure does not support inheritance.
- Structures cannot declare default constructors.
Characteristics of C# structure
You have used a simple structure called Books. The structure in C# is different from that in traditional C or C++. The structure in C# has the following characteristics:
- Structures can have methods, fields, indexes, properties, operator methods, and events.
- A structure can define a constructor, but it cannot define a destructor. However, you cannot define a parameterless constructor for a structure. The parameterless constructor (default) is automatically defined and cannot be changed.
- Unlike classes, structures cannot inherit other structures or classes.
- Structures cannot be used as the infrastructure of other structures or classes.
- The structure can implement one or more interfaces.
- Structure members cannot be specified as abstract, virtual, or protected.
- When you create a structure object using the New operator, the appropriate constructor is called to create the structure. Unlike classes, structures can be instantiated without using the New operator.
- If the New operator is not used, the field is assigned and the object is used only after all fields are initialized.
The above is a quick understanding of the detailed content of the c# structure. For more information about the c# structure, please follow my other related articles!