This article describes the method of binding shortcut keys to winform. Share it for your reference. The specific analysis is as follows:
The first type: Alt + * (button shortcut key)
When you set Text properties for button, label, menuStrip and other controls, just add the & key name after the name, such as = "&O". There will be a shortcut key. At this time, press Alt+O to execute the button click event.
The second type: Ctrl+* and other combinations of keys
Set the KeyPreview (Register keyboard events with form) property in WinForm to use key combinations to True;
Then use the KeyDown event of the form (occurred when a key is first pressed).
The following is to register a key event for button1 (CTRL+ENTER)
private void FrmChat_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if ( == && ) { = true;//Indicates that the KeyPress event has been processed this.button1_Click(null, null);//Call button click event } }
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's C# programming.