1. Different databases
private InfoLightDBTools dbTools; //#ORACLE# = new InfoLightDBTools(clientInfo, dbName); private InfoLightDBTXTools dbTXTools; //#ORACLE# To be used in combination with transaction processing: BeginTransaction(), Commit(), Rollback(), EndTransaction() = new InfoLightDBTXTools(clientInfo, dbName); private InfoLightMSTools mdbtool; //#SQL SERVER#
Execution method in Server
public DataTable GetManPowerData(string vLineName, string vShift) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); ExecutionResult exeRes = new ExecutionResult(); List<SqlParameter> mParams; SqlParameter mLine_NameParam, mDNSParam; string sql = @"select * from manpower where lineid = (select ID from lines where line = @LINENAME AND (SMTCS IS NULL OR SMTCS = 'C')) and dns = @dns order by time1_start "; mParams = new List<SqlParameter>(); mLine_NameParam = new SqlParameter("@LINENAME", , 20); mLine_NameParam.Value = vLineName; (mLine_NameParam); mDNSParam = new SqlParameter("@dns", , 20); = 0; (mDNSParam); exeRes = (sql, mParams); if () dt = ((DataSet)).Tables[0]; return dt; }
Execution method
public DataTable getModel(string line_name) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); ExecutionResult exeRes = new ExecutionResult(); DBParameter dbParam = new DBParameter(); string sql = @" SELECT DISTINCT T.MODEL_NAME FROM sfism4.R_LINE_MODEL_STATUS_T t WHERE T.LINE_NAME = :line_name "; (); ("line_name", , line_name); exeRes = (sql, ()); if () dt = ((DataSet)).Tables[0]; return dt; }
4. Perform update operations
public ExecutionResult DoDelete(string sap_plant, string wip_sn, string up_data1) { ExecutionResult exeRes = new ExecutionResult(); = ""; DBParameter dbParam = new DBParameter(); #region sql string sql = @" DELETE SFISM4.U_UP2INTERFACE_TODOLIST_T A WHERE A.CUST_NO = :CUST_NO AND = 'IMS_STOP' AND A.JOB_STATUS = 'OK' AND A.WIP_SN = :WIP_SN AND A.UP_DATA1 = :UP_DATA1 "; #endregion #region Param (); ("CUST_NO", , sap_plant); ("WIP_SN", , wip_sn); ("UP_DATA1", , up_data1); #endregion try { exeRes = (sql, ()); } catch (Exception ex) { += ; = false; } return exeRes; }
The above is all the content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study and I hope everyone will support me more.