Introduction: I recently encountered post data that connects to certain APIs in my work and needed to lowercase the field of the object.
There are two solutions:
The first one: set JsonProperty using the object's field properties to implement it (not recommended, because the properties of each field need to be manually modified)
public class UserInfo { [JsonProperty("id")] public int Id{ set; get; } [JsonProperty("userName")] public string UserName{ set; get; } }
The second type: use to set the formatting method (recommended)
var user = new { Name = "john", Age = 19 }; var serializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { // Set as camel name ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver() }; var userStr = (user, , serializerSettings);
The above are two solutions to serialize C# entity objects into Json and lowercase the first letter of the field. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you have any questions, please leave me a message and the editor will reply to everyone in time. Thank you very much for your support for my website!