Updated on 2025-03-07

The simplest C# in history to share ideas and examples of generating barcode images

using System;
using ;
using ;
using ;
using ;
using .Drawing2D;
using ;
using ;
using ;
using ;
    /// <summary>
///Draw barcode
    /// </summary>
    public class DrawingBarCode
        public DrawingBarCode()
//TODO: Add constructor logic here
#region Generate barcodes based on font
        /// <summary>
///Draw pictures according to barcode
        /// </summary>
/// <param name="strNumber">Barcode</param>
        public void DrawingBarCode(string strNumber)
            PrivateFontCollection fonts = new PrivateFontCollection();
//39 with numbers
            //((".") + "/BarCodeFonts/V100010_.TTF");
            //FontFamily ff = new FontFamily("C39HrP48DlTt", fonts);
//Document 39
            strNumber = "*" + strNumber + "*";
            ((".") + "/BarCodeFonts/");
            FontFamily ff = new FontFamily("Free 3 of 9 Extended", fonts);
//Close to the barcode
            //((".") + "/BarCodeFonts/V100014_.TTF");
            //FontFamily ff = new FontFamily("C39P24DlTt", fonts);
            Font font = new Font(ff, 12);
//Set the picture size
            Image img = new Bitmap(1, 1);
            Graphics g = (img);
            SizeF fontSize = (strNumber, font);
            int intWidth = Convert.ToInt32();
            int intHeight = Convert.ToInt32();
            img = new Bitmap(intWidth, intHeight);
            g = (img);
            = ;
            = ;
            (strNumber, font, , 0, 0);
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
            (stream, );
            = "image/Jpeg";
        /// <summary>
///Draw pictures according to barcode
        /// </summary>
/// <param name="strNumber">Barcode</param>
/// <param name="intFontSize">FontSize</param>
        public void DrawingBarCode(string strNumber,int intFontSize)
            PrivateFontCollection fonts = new PrivateFontCollection();
//39 with numbers
            //((".") + "/BarCodeFonts/V100010_.TTF");
            //FontFamily ff = new FontFamily("C39HrP48DlTt", fonts);
//Document 39
             strNumber = "*" + strNumber + "*";
            ((".") + "/BarCodeFonts/");
            FontFamily ff = new FontFamily("Free 3 of 9 Extended", fonts);
//Close to the barcode
            //((".") + "/BarCodeFonts/V100014_.TTF");
            //FontFamily ff = new FontFamily("C39P24DlTt", fonts);
            Font font = new Font(ff, intFontSize);
//Set the picture size
            Image img = new Bitmap(1, 1);
            Graphics g = (img);
            SizeF fontSize = (strNumber, font);
            int intWidth = Convert.ToInt32();
            int intHeight = Convert.ToInt32();
            img = new Bitmap(intWidth, intHeight);
            g = (img);
            = ;
            = ;
            (strNumber, font, , 0, 0);
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
            (stream, );
            = "image/Jpeg";
#region Draw Code39 code
        /// <summary>
///Draw pictures according to barcode
        /// </summary>
/// <param name="strNumber">Barcode</param>
        public void DrawingBarCode39(string strNumber,int intFontSize,bool WithStart)
ViewFont = new Font("Song style", intFontSize);
            Image img = GetCodeImage(strNumber, Code39Model.Code39Normal, WithStart);
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
            (stream, );
            = true;
            = "image/Jpeg";
        private Hashtable m_Code39 = new Hashtable();
        private byte m_Magnify = 0;
        /// <summary>
/// Magnification
        /// </summary>
        public byte Magnify { get { return m_Magnify; } set { m_Magnify = value; } }
        private int m_Height = 40;
        /// <summary>
/// High graphics
        /// </summary>
        public int Height { get { return m_Height; } set { m_Height = value; } }
        private Font m_ViewFont = null;
        /// <summary>
/// Font size
        /// </summary>
        public Font ViewFont { get { return m_ViewFont; } set { m_ViewFont = value; } }
The encoding rules for Code39 code are:
1. Each five lines represent a character;
2. Thick line represents 1, thin line represents 0;
3. The wide gap between lines indicates 1, and the narrowest one indicates 0;
4. Five lines plus the four gaps between them are nine-digit binary codes, and three of these nine digits must be 1, so it is called 39 codes;
5. One * marks the beginning and end of the barcode.
        public DrawingBarCode(Boolean IsCode39)
            m_Code39.Add("A", "1101010010110");
            m_Code39.Add("B", "1011010010110");
            m_Code39.Add("C", "1101101001010");
            m_Code39.Add("D", "1010110010110");
            m_Code39.Add("E", "1101011001010");
            m_Code39.Add("F", "1011011001010");
            m_Code39.Add("G", "1010100110110");
            m_Code39.Add("H", "1101010011010");
            m_Code39.Add("I", "1011010011010");
            m_Code39.Add("J", "1010110011010");
            m_Code39.Add("K", "1101010100110");
            m_Code39.Add("L", "1011010100110");
            m_Code39.Add("M", "1101101010010");
            m_Code39.Add("N", "1010110100110");
            m_Code39.Add("O", "1101011010010");
            m_Code39.Add("P", "1011011010010");
            m_Code39.Add("Q", "1010101100110");
            m_Code39.Add("R", "1101010110010");
            m_Code39.Add("S", "1011010110010");
            m_Code39.Add("T", "1010110110010");
            m_Code39.Add("U", "1100101010110");
            m_Code39.Add("V", "1001101010110");
            m_Code39.Add("W", "1100110101010");
            m_Code39.Add("X", "1001011010110");
            m_Code39.Add("Y", "1100101101010");
            m_Code39.Add("Z", "1001101101010");
            m_Code39.Add("0", "1010011011010");
            m_Code39.Add("1", "1101001010110");
            m_Code39.Add("2", "1011001010110");
            m_Code39.Add("3", "1101100101010");
            m_Code39.Add("4", "1010011010110");
            m_Code39.Add("5", "1101001101010");
            m_Code39.Add("6", "1011001101010");
            m_Code39.Add("7", "1010010110110");
            m_Code39.Add("8", "1101001011010");
            m_Code39.Add("9", "1011001011010");
            m_Code39.Add("+", "1001010010010");
            m_Code39.Add("-", "1001010110110");
            m_Code39.Add("*", "1001011011010");
            m_Code39.Add("/", "1001001010010");
            m_Code39.Add("%", "1010010010010");
            m_Code39.Add("$", "1001001001010");
            m_Code39.Add(".", "1100101011010");
            m_Code39.Add(" ", "1001101011010");
        public enum Code39Model
            /// <summary>
/// Basic Category 1234567890ABC
            /// </summary>
            /// <summary>
/// All ASCII method +A+B to represent lowercase
            /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
/// Obtain barcode graphics
        /// </summary>
/// <param name="p_Text">Text information</param>
/// <param name="p_Model">Category</param>
/// <param name="p_StarChar">Whether to add the front and rear * number</param>
/// <returns>Graphics</returns>
        public Bitmap GetCodeImage(string p_Text, Code39Model p_Model, bool p_StarChar)
            string _ValueText = "";
            string _CodeText = "";
            char[] _ValueChar = null;
            switch (p_Model)
                case Code39Model.Code39Normal:
                    _ValueText = p_Text.ToUpper();
                    _ValueChar = p_Text.ToCharArray();
                    for (int i = 0; i != _ValueChar.Length; i++)
                        if ((int)_ValueChar[i] >= 97 && (int)_ValueChar[i] <= 122)
                            _ValueText += "+" + _ValueChar[i].ToString().ToUpper();
                            _ValueText += _ValueChar[i].ToString();
            _ValueChar = _ValueText.ToCharArray();
            if (p_StarChar == true) _CodeText += m_Code39["*"];
            for (int i = 0; i != _ValueChar.Length; i++)
if (p_StarChar == true && _ValueChar[i] == '*') throw new Exception("Not appear with the starting symbol*");
                object _CharCode = m_Code39[_ValueChar[i].ToString()];
if (_CharCode == null) throw new Exception("Unavailable Character" + _ValueChar[i].ToString());
                _CodeText += _CharCode.ToString();
            if (p_StarChar == true) _CodeText += m_Code39["*"];
            Bitmap _CodeBmp = GetImage(_CodeText);
            GetViewImage(_CodeBmp, p_Text);
            return _CodeBmp;
        /// <summary>
/// Draw coded graphics
        /// </summary>
/// <param name="p_Text">Encoding</param>
/// <returns>Graphics</returns>
        private Bitmap GetImage(string p_Text)
            char[] _Value = p_Text.ToCharArray();
//Width == The number of drawings that need to be drawn * Magnification + the width of two characters
            Bitmap _CodeImage = new Bitmap(_Value.Length * ((int)m_Magnify + 1), (int)m_Height);
            Graphics _Garphics = (_CodeImage);
            _Garphics.FillRectangle(, new Rectangle(0, 0, _CodeImage.Width, _CodeImage.Height));
            int _LenEx = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i != _Value.Length; i++)
                int _DrawWidth = m_Magnify + 1;
                if (_Value[i] == '1')
                    _Garphics.FillRectangle(, new Rectangle(_LenEx, 0, _DrawWidth, m_Height));
                    _Garphics.FillRectangle(, new Rectangle(_LenEx, 0, _DrawWidth, m_Height));
                _LenEx += _DrawWidth;
            return _CodeImage;
        /// <summary>
/// When drawing text, the text width is greater than the image width will not be displayed
        /// </summary>
/// <param name="p_CodeImage">Graphics</param>
/// <param name="p_Text">Text</param>
        private void GetViewImage(Bitmap p_CodeImage, string p_Text)
            if (m_ViewFont == null) return;
            Graphics _Graphics = (p_CodeImage);
            SizeF _FontSize = _Graphics.MeasureString(p_Text, m_ViewFont);
            if (_FontSize.Width > p_CodeImage.Width || _FontSize.Height > p_CodeImage.Height - 20)
            int _StarHeight = p_CodeImage.Height - (int)_FontSize.Height;
            _Graphics.FillRectangle(, new Rectangle(0, _StarHeight, p_CodeImage.Width, (int)_FontSize.Height));
            int _StarWidth = (p_CodeImage.Width - (int)_FontSize.Width) / 2;
            _Graphics.DrawString(p_Text, m_ViewFont, , _StarWidth, _StarHeight);