using System;
using ;
using ;
using ;
using ;
using ;
namespace XmlProcessTest
public class Program
/// <summary>
/// Load XML file
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xmlFilePath">XML file path</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static XmlDocument LoadXmlDoc(string xmlFilePath)
var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
return xmlDoc;
/// <summary>
/// Get the XML node list based on the specified XPath expression
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xmlDoc"></param>
/// <param name="xpathExpr"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static XmlNodeList GetXmlNodes(XmlDocument xmlDoc, string xpathExpr)
if (xmlDoc == null)
return null;
return (xpathExpr);
public static string GetXmlNodeInfo(XmlNode node, string type="xml")
if (node == null)
return "Empty node or error node";
string xmlNodeInfo = null;
switch (type)
case "text":
xmlNodeInfo = ;
xmlNodeInfo = ;
return xmlNodeInfo;
public static void Main(string[] args)
var xmlDoc = LoadXmlDoc(@"Your file path");
var rootExpr = "/bookstore"; // XPath expression corresponding to the root node
var rootNode = GetXmlNodes(xmlDoc, rootExpr); //
("XPath expression is /bookstore, and all child nodes XML content of the root node bookstore is as follows: ");
var allBooksExpr = "/bookstore/book"; // All children of the child elements of the root node bookstore
var bookNodes = GetXmlNodes(xmlDoc, allBooksExpr);
("XPath expression is bookstore/book, and the book nodes have a total of: " + );
var anyBookExpr = "//book"; // Select all book child elements regardless of their location in the document
var anyBookNodes = GetXmlNodes(xmlDoc, anyBookExpr);
("XPath expression is //book, and the book nodes have a total of: " + );
var categoryExpr = "//@category"; // Select all attributes named category
var allCategoryNodes = GetXmlNodes(xmlDoc, categoryExpr);
("XPath expression is //@category, and the category nodes have a total of: " + );
var titleWithLangExpr = "//title[@lang]"; // Select all title nodes with lang attributes
var titleWithLangNodes = GetXmlNodes(xmlDoc, titleWithLangExpr);
("XPath expression is //title[@lang], and the title nodes with lang attributes have a total of: " + );
var englishTitleExpr = "//title[@lang='en']"; // Select all title nodes with en attribute value
var englishTitleNodes = GetXmlNodes(xmlDoc, englishTitleExpr);
("XPath expression is //title[@lang='en'], and the title nodes with the lang attribute value en have a total of: " + );
// XPath query using index
var indexExpr = "/bookstore/book[1]"; // Take the first book element of the bookstore child element
var firstBookNode = GetXmlNodes(xmlDoc, indexExpr);
("XPath expression is /bookstore/book[1], and the number of nodes is: " + );
var indexExpr2 = "/bookstore/book[last()]"; // Take the last book element of the bookstore child element
var lastBookNode = GetXmlNodes(xmlDoc, indexExpr2);
("XPath expression is /bookstore/book[last()], and the number of nodes is: " + );
var indexExpr3 = "/bookstore/book[last()-1]"; // Take the penultimate book element of the bookstore child element
var nextByLastBookNode = GetXmlNodes(xmlDoc, indexExpr3);
("XPath expression is /bookstore/book[last()-1], and the number of nodes is: " + );
var indexExpr4 = "/bookstore/book[position()<3]"; // Take the first two book child elements of the bookstore
var firstTwoBookNodes = GetXmlNodes(xmlDoc, indexExpr4);
("XPath expression is /bookstore/book[position()<3], and the number of nodes is: " + );
// XPath expression with attribute value filtering conditions
var fileterExpr = "/bookstore/book[price>35.00]"; // Select all book elements with price attribute values greater than 35.00 in the bookstore
var bookGt35Nodes = GetXmlNodes(xmlDoc, fileterExpr);
("XPath expression is /bookstore/book[price>35.00], and the number of nodes is: " + );
// Wildcard
// @* �
// node() �
// /bookstore/* Select all child elements of the bookstore element
// //*
var allTitleWithAttrExpr = "//title[@*]";
var allTitleWithAttrNodes = GetXmlNodes(xmlDoc, allTitleWithAttrExpr);
("XPath expression is title[@*], and the number of nodes is: " + );
// |
var titleAndPriceExpr = "//book/title | //book/price";
var titleAndPriceNodes = GetXmlNodes(xmlDoc, titleAndPriceExpr);
("XPath expression is //book/title | //book/price, the number of nodes is: " + );
// text() select text
var titleTextExpr = "//title/text()";
var titleTextNodes = GetXmlNodes(xmlDoc, titleTextExpr);
("XPath expression is //title/text(), and the number of nodes is: " + );
(titleTextNodes[0].Value); // The value of the text node