Drag and drop operation is a user experience I prefer, but it is a bit troublesome to implement. Here I have simply collected its common methods as an extension method to quickly call:
static class DrapDropExtend { public static void SimpleDrapDrop<T>(this Control c, string dataformat, Action<T> hanlder) where T : class { = true; += (s, e) => { if ((dataformat)) = ; else = ; }; += (s, e) => { var data = (dataformat) as T; hanlder(data); }; } public static void SimpleDrapDrop(this Control c, Action<DragEventArgs> enterHanlder, Action<DragEventArgs> dropHanlder) { = true; += (s, e) => enterHanlder(e); += (s, e) => enterHanlder(e); } public static void SimpleDrapDrop(this Control c, DragEventHandler enterHanlder, DragEventHandler dropHanlder) { = true; += enterHanlder; += dropHanlder; } }
This class makes it easier to implement drag and drop. A simple example is as follows:
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); <string>(, x => = x); }
This is much simpler than implementing it through an IDE.
This is all about this article about C#’s quick drag and drop operation. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's learning and I hope everyone will support me more.