Updated on 2025-03-07

Example of C# operating network adapter

1. Configure the network adapter

string ethernetIP = ["LocalEthernetIP"].Trim().ToString();
string ethernetSubnetMask = ["LocalEthernetSubnetMask"].Trim().ToString();
string ethernetGateway = ["LocalEthernetGateway"].Trim().ToString();
string ethernetDNS = ["LocalEthernetDNS"].Trim().ToString();

ManagementBaseObject outPar = null;
ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration");
ManagementObjectCollection moc = ();

foreach (ManagementObject mo in moc)
  if (!(bool)mo["IPEnabled"])
  //Set IP address  ManagementBaseObject inPar = ("EnableStatic");
  if (!(ethernetIP))
    inPar["IPAddress"] = new string[] { ethernetIP };
  if (!(ethernetSubnetMask))
    inPar["SubnetMask"] = new string[] { ethernetSubnetMask };
  outPar = ("EnableStatic", inPar, null);
  //Set up the gateway  inPar = ("SetGateways");
  if (!(ethernetGateway))
    inPar["DefaultIPGateway"] = new string[] { ethernetGateway };
    outPar = ("SetGateways", inPar, null);
  //Set DNS  inPar = ("SetDNSServerSearchOrder");
  if (!(ethernetDNS))
    inPar["DNSServerSearchOrder"] = new string[] { ethernetDNS };
    outPar = ("SetDNSServerSearchOrder", inPar, null);

2. Obtain network adapter and other related information

//Get information about network card NetworkInterface[] nics = ();
 foreach (NetworkInterface adapter in nics)
   //Discern whether it is an Ethernet card   //Wireless80211 Wireless Network Card Ppp Broadband Connection   //Ethernet Ethernet card   //The space here is limited and a few commonly used posts. For other return values, please use Baidu!   if ( == )
     //Get the Ethernet card network interface information     IPInterfaceProperties ip = ();
     //Get unicast address set     UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection ipCollection = ;
     foreach (UnicastIPAddressInformation ipadd in ipCollection)
       //InterNetwork IPV4 address InterNetworkV6 IPV6 address       //Max MAX address       if ( == )
         //Judge whether it is ipv4          = ();//Get ip     }
NetworkInterfaceTypeThe return value is as follows(The following table is frommsdn):
 Member name        illustrate
  Unknown   The interface type is unknown。
  Ethernet   Network interfaces use Ethernet connection。 Ethernet is in IEEE standard 802.3 Definition in。
  TokenRing   Network interfaces are connected using token rings。 Token ring is IEEE standard 802.5 Definition in。
  Fddi   The network interface uses a distributed fiber data interface (FDDI) connect。 FDDI 是一组用于局域网中光纤线路上的数据传输的standard。
  BasicIsdn   Network interface uses basic rate interface integrated service digital network (ISDN) connect。 ISDN 是一组通过电话线Transfer data的standard。
  PrimaryIsdn   Network interface uses main rate interface integrated service digital network (ISDN) connect。 ISDN 是一组通过电话线Transfer data的standard。
  Ppp   Network interfaces use point-to-point protocols (PPP) connect。 PPP It is a protocol for data transmission using serial devices。
  Loopback   The network interface is a loopback adapter。 Such interfaces are usually used for testing;Not sending traffic through cables。
  Ethernet3Megabit   Network interface uses Ethernet 3 Megabits/Secondconnect。 This version of Ethernet is IETF RFC 895 Definition in。
  Slip   The network interface uses serial lines Internet protocol (SLIP) connect。 SLIP exist IETF RFC 1055 Definition in。
  Atm   The network interface uses asynchronous transmission mode (ATM) Transfer data。
  GenericModem   The network interface uses a modem。
  FastEthernetT   The network interface uses twisted pair cables Fast Ethernet connect,Its data rate is 100 Megabits/Second。 此connect类型也称为 100Base-T。
  Isdn   The network interface is used as ISDN and X.25 protocol配置的connect。 X.25 Allows computers on public networks to communicate using intermediate computers。
  FastEthernetFx   The network interface uses fiber-based Fast Ethernet connect,Its data rate is 100 Megabits/Second。 此connect类型也称为 100Base-FX。
  Wireless80211   Wireless network interface LAN connect(IEEE 802.11 standard)。
  AsymmetricDsl   Network interface uses asymmetric digital user lines (ADSL)。
  RateAdaptDsl   Network interfaces use rate adaptive digital user lines (RADSL)。
  SymmetricDsl   Network interface uses symmetric digital subscriber lines (SDSL)。
  VeryHighSpeedDsl   Network interface uses ultra-high data rate digital user lines (VDSL)。
  IPOverAtm   Network interface usage Internet protocol (IP) With asynchronous transmission mode (ATM) 相结合来Transfer data。
  GigabitEthernet   Network interface usage Gigabit Ethernet connect,Its data rate is 1,000 Megabits/Second(1 Gibitt/Second)。
  Tunnel   Network interface usage隧道connect。
  MultiRateSymmetricDsl   Network interface usage多速率数字用户线路。
  HighPerformanceSerialBus   Network interface usage高性能串行总线。

AddressFamilyThe return value is as follows(The following table is frommsdn):

  Member name称   illustrate
  AppleTalk   AppleTalk address。
  Atm     This machine ATM 服务address。
  Banyan      Banyan address。
  Ccitt   CCITT protocol(like X.25)的address。
  Chaos   MIT CHAOS protocol的address。
  Cluster    Microsoft 群集产品的address。
  DataKit    Datakit protocol的address。
  DataLink   直接数据链接接口address。
  DecNet    DECnet address。
  Ecma   European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) address。
  FireFox     FireFox address。
  HyperChannel  NSC Hyperchannel address。
  Ieee12844    IEEE 1284.4 工作组address。
  ImpLink     ARPANET IMP address。
  InterNetwork  IP Version 4 的address。
  InterNetworkV6 IP Version 6 的address。
  Ipx    IPX or SPX address。
  Irda     IrDA address。
  Iso    ISO protocol的address。
  Lat       LAT address。
  Max    MAX address。
  NetBios    NetBios address。
  NetworkDesignersSupports network designer OSI 网关的protocol的address。
  NS       Xerox NS protocol的address。
  Osi       OSI protocol的address。
  Pup       PUP protocol的address。
  Sna       IBM SNA address。
  Unix      Unix 本地到主机address。
  Unknown     未知的address族。
  Unspecified   未指定的address族。
  VoiceView    VoiceView address。

The above is the detailed content of the example of C# operating network adapter. For more information about C# operating network adapter, please pay attention to my other related articles!