using System;
using ;
using ;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
while (1 == 1)
('\n\n Optional operation: \n\n 1. Start the database service 2. Stop the database service \n\n Start execution : ');
string strQueryState = ();
if (() == '1')
string strFilePath = GetFilePath('Start');
(strFilePath, GetCmdStr('start'), ('gb2312'));
else if (() == '2')
string strFilePath = GetFilePath('Stop');
(strFilePath, GetCmdStr('stop'), ('gb2312'));
/// <summary>
/// Cmd instruction required for operation
/// </summary>
/// <param name='StateStr'>Operation</param>
/// <returns>Cmd directive</returns>
private static string GetCmdStr(string StateStr)
string cmdStr = '';
if (().Trim() == 'start')
cmdStr = @'@echo. & del %0 & @echo off & @echo.Starting the service MSSQLSERVER and MSSQLSERVERAGENT ...... & '
+ '@echo. & @net start MSSQLSERVER & @net start SQLSERVERAGENT & @echo. The service is started!';
else if (().Trim() == 'stop')
cmdStr = @'@echo. & del %0 & @echo off & @echo.Stop service MSSQLSERVER and MSSQLSERVERAGENT ...... & '
+ '@echo. & @net stop sqlserveragent & @net stop mssqlserver & @echo.Service stopped!';
return cmdStr;
/// <summary>
/// Get whether a file exists on disk
/// </summary>
/// <param name='PathStr'>File name</param>
/// <returns>Return to create file path</returns>
private static string GetFilePath(string strFileName)
string strTem = '';// Used to store the file path to be saved
string[] strPath = new string[] {@'C:\\',@'D:\\',@'E:\\',@'F:\\'};//Detected drive letter
strFileName += () + () + ()
+ () + () + () + ().Trim()+'.cmd';//To prevent duplicate rename of files
foreach (string pathStr in strPath)//Cycle to determine the existence of the file directory
if (!(pathStr))//Judge the directory exists
if ((pathStr + strFileName))//Judge the existence of the file
strTem = pathStr + strFileName;
return strTem;//Return the path to buildable file