1. Open the program
First introduce the class: used to start and stop processes.
Process pr = new Process();//Declare a process class object = "E://Program Files//Tencent//QQ//";//Specify the physical path of my QQ to run. ();//Run QQ
It can also be simpler:Process's static method Start();
(String fileName);(+4Reload) //filiName is the program name you want to run, it is the physical path(String fileName,string arguments)//filiName is the program name you want to run, it is the physical path; arguments passed command line parameters when starting the program change.
2. Take the QQ just now as an example to explain
Process[] proc = ("QQ");//Create an array of processes and associate resources related to this process. for (int i = 0; i < ; i++) { proc[i].Kill(); //End the process one by one. }
Process[] p_arry = ();//Get all processes in the system for (int i = 0; i < p_arry.Length; i++)//Transfer each process { if (p_arry[i].ProcessName == "QQ")//Discover a process called QQ { p_arry[i].Kill();// Just end it. return; } } ();//Garbage recycling
This method is a bit resource-consuming, and if you have any judgment, you can try to use it.
III. Program
using System; class test { static void Main() { //Declare a program information class Info = new (); //Set external program name = ""; //Set the startup parameters (command line parameters) of the external program to = ""; //Set the working directory of the external program to C:\ = "C:\\"; //Declare a program class Proc ; try { // //Start external programs// Proc = (Info); } catch(.Win32Exception e) { ("The system cannot find the specified program file。\r{0}", e); return; } //Print out the start execution time of the external program("The start execution time of external programs:{0}", ); //Wait for 3 seconds(3000); //If this external program does not end, it will be forced to terminate itif( == false) { ("The main program will forcefully terminate the operation of the external program!"); (); } else { ("Exit normally by external programs!"); } ("Exit run time of external program:{0}", ); ("The return value of an external program at the end of the run:{0}", ); } }
Taking the opening and closing of QQ applications as an example, we will help everyone better learn how to open and close executable files in C#. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's learning.