Updated on 2025-03-08

How to use XmlReader to read XML files in C#

XmlReader provides us with a way to parse XML data with the least resource consumption by reading the document forward and identifying the elements read. Many times we use XmlReader to verify the data validity of XML files (using the Read() method of the XmlReader instance to read all nodes in turn to determine whether they meet the specified pattern). Using this non-cache, read-only, forward-only method, only a small amount of data is put into memory each time you read, which consumes less memory, making it an optimal choice for reading XML files with larger content.

Let's take a look at the steps to read XML files in the XmlReader class:

1. Use the Create() factory method of the XmlReader class to create an instance of the class and pass the read XML file name into the method as a parameter;

2. Create a loop that repeatedly calls Read() method. This method starts with the first node of the file and then reads all remaining nodes, but only one node is read per call. Return True if there is a node that can be read, and False when the file is last;

3. In this loop, the properties and methods of the XmlReader instance will be checked to obtain information about the current node (type, name, data, etc.). Continuously execute the loop until Read() returns False;

Let’s first look at an example:


<?xml version='1.0'?>
 <employee > 
 <employee > 

aspx code:

<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="" %>
<script runat="server">
 void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
 //Location of XML file
 string xmlFilePath = ("~/");
 using (XmlReader reader = (xmlFilePath))
 string result;
 while (())
 //Process only the elements
 if ( == )
 result = "";
 for (int count = 1; count <= ; count++)
 result += "===";
 result += "=> " +  + "<br/>";
  += result;
 catch (Exception ex)
  = "An Exception occurred: " + ;


<html xmlns="http:///1999/xhtml" >
<head runat="server">
 <title>Reading an XML File using XmlReader</title>
 <form  runat="server">
 <asp:label  runat="server" />

Output result:

=> employees
====> employee
=======> name
==========> firstName
==========> lastName
=======> city
=======> state
=======> zipCode
====> employee
=======> name
==========> firstName
==========> lastName
=======> city
=======> state
=======> zipCode

Let's take a look at the properties and methods of the XmlReader class:

Attributes illustrate
AttributeCount Returns the number of attributes of the current node
Depth Returns the depth of the current node, used to determine whether the specified node has child nodes
EOF Determine whether the reader is at the end of the stream
HasAttribute Returns a boolean value indicating whether the current node has attributes
HasValue Returns a boolean value indicating whether the current node has a value
IsEmptyElement Determine whether the current node is an empty element
LocalName Return the local name of the current node
Name Returns the qualified name of the current node
NamespaceURI Returns the namespace URI of the current node
NodeType Return the node type of the current node in the form of an XmlNodeType enum
Prefix Returns the namespace prefix associated with the current node
ReadState Return the current state of the reader as a ReadState enum
Settings Returns the XmlReaderSettings object used to create an XmlReader instance
Value Return the value of the current node
ValueType Obtain the CLR type of the current node

Important methods of XmlReader class:

method illustrate
Close Close the Xmlreader object by setting the ReadState enum to Closed
Create Create an instance of the XmlReader object and return it to the calling program
GetAttribute Get the value of the attribute
IsStartElement Indicates whether the current node is the start tag
MoveToAttribute Move the reader to the specified property
MoveToContent If the current node is not a content node, move the reader to the next content node
MoveToElement Move the reader to the element containing the current attribute; to list the attributes and to the element containing all of these attributes
MoveToFirstAttribute Move the first property of the reader to the current node
MoveToNextAttribute Move the reader to the next property of the current node
Read Read the next node from the stream
ReadContentAs Read the content of an object of the type
ReadElementContentAs Read the current element and return the contents of the object of the specified type
ReadEndElement Move the reader over the current end tag and move to the next node
ReadInnerXml Read all contents of the current node including tags as a string
ReadOutXml Read the contents of nodes including the current node tag and child nodes
ReadToDescendant Move the reader to the next node matching the descendant element
ReadToFollowing Continuously read until the specified element is found
ReadToNextSlibing Move the reader to the next node matching the sibling element
ReadValueChunk Allows reading of large text streams embedded in XML documents

Members of XmlNodeType enum:

Member illustrate
Attribute property
Comment XML Comments
Document Document object, representing the root of the XML tree
DocumentFragment Document fragments
DocumentType Document type declaration
Element,EndElement Start element and end element
Entity,EndEntity Start entity declaration and end entity declaration
EntityReference Entity reference (such as &lt;)
None Is there a node read and query node type used?
Notation Symbol entries in DTD
ProcessingInstruction XML processing instructions
SignificantWhitespace Used when blanks in the mixed content model document, or when xml:space=preserve is set
Text Text content of the element
Whitespace Blank between marks
XmlDeclaration XML declaration at the top of the document

Important properties of XmlReaderSettings class:

Attributes illustrate
CheckCharacters Allows you to obtain or set values ​​that indicate whether to perform character checks
ConformanceLevel Obtain or set the XmlReader object to meet the requirements
IgnoreComment Allows you to obtain or set values ​​to indicate whether to ignore comments
IgnoreProcessingInstruction Specify whether to ignore processing instructions
IgnoreWhitespace Specify whether to ignore meaningless spaces
ProhibitDtd Specify whether DTD processing is allowed
Schemas Specify the XmlSchemaSet to use when performing XML verification
ValidationFlags Obtain or set the value used to specify the mode verification settings
ValidationType Obtain or set the value used to specify the type of verification performed
XmlResolver Set up XmlReslover for accessing external documents

Through the XmlReaderSettings class, you can specify a series of functions supported by the XmlReader object. To do this, just pass XmlReaderSettings as a parameter into the Create() method of XmlReader. As shown below:

<script runat="server">
 void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
 string xmlFilePath = ("~/"); 
 //Create the XmlReaderSettings object and set appropriate properties
 XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
  = true;
  = true;
 //Get reference to the XmlReader object
 using (XmlReader reader = (xmlFilePath, settings))
 string result;
 while (())
 //Process only the elements
 if ( == )
 //Reset the variable for a new element
 result = "";
 for (int count = 1; count <= ; count++)
 result += "===";
 result += "=> " +  + "<br/>";
  += result;
 catch (Exception ex)
  = "An Exception occurred: " + ;


In summary, we can use the XmlReader class to read XML files in a non-cache, read-only, and forward-only manner. This method takes up less memory and is recommended for everyone to use.