Updated on 2025-03-08

Example of Java

In Java, <K, V>  is a nested interface that exists in the Map interface. It represents a key-value pair in Map, which is often used to traverse or operate Map. The following is a detailed explanation of <K, V>.

1. What is <K, V>?

  • <K, V>yesMapA static nested interface in the interface.
  • expressMapA key-value pair in  .
  • Provides a method to get keys and values, allowing forMapThe key values ​​in iterate, operate, etc.

Interface definition

public static interface &lt;K, V&gt; {
    K getKey();      // Get key    V getValue();    // Get the value    V setValue(V value); // Set value    boolean equals(Object o); // Determine whether two Entry are equal    int hashCode();  // Return the hash value of Entry}

2. Detailed explanation of the method

2.1 getKey()

  • Return to the currentEntryKey in the object.
  • The return value is the type of key (K)。

2.2 getValue()

  • Return to the currentEntryValues ​​in the object.
  • Returns the type of value (V)。

2.3 setValue(V value)

  • Set the currentEntryvalue.
  • The return value is the previous old value.

2.4 equals(Object o)

  • Judge twoEntryWhether the objects are equal.
  • If twoEntryIf the keys and values ​​of   are equal, they are considered equal.

2.5 hashCode()

  • Return to the currentEntryhash value.
  • Usually calculated based on the hash value of keys and values.

3. Use scenarios

3.1 traversing the key-value pairs of Map

Usually used to passentrySet()TraversalMapkey-value pair.

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import ;

public class EntryExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Map&lt;String, Integer&gt; map = new HashMap&lt;&gt;();
        ("Apple", 1);
        ("Banana", 2);
        ("Cherry", 3);

        // Use entrySet to traverse        for (&lt;String, Integer&gt; entry : ()) {
            ("Key: " + () + ", Value: " + ());


Key: Apple, Value: 1
Key: Banana, Value: 2
Key: Cherry, Value: 3

3.2 Modify the value of Map

passsetValue()Modify the value:

import ;
import ;

public class ModifyEntryExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Map&lt;String, Integer&gt; map = new HashMap&lt;&gt;();
        ("A", 10);
        ("B", 20);

        // traverse and modify the value        for (&lt;String, Integer&gt; entry : ()) {
            (() * 2); // Multiply the value by 2        }

        (map); // Output: {A=20, B=40}    }

3.3 Conditional Operation

Filter or delete specific key-value pairs by conditional operations:

import ;
import ;

public class ConditionalOperationExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Map&lt;String, Integer&gt; map = new HashMap&lt;&gt;();
        ("X", 100);
        ("Y", 200);
        ("Z", 300);

        // Delete key-value pairs with values ​​less than 200        ().removeIf(entry -&gt; () &lt; 200);

        (map); // Output: {Y=200, Z=300}    }

3.4 Customize equals and hashCode

ofequalsandhashCodeUsually it has a role in set operations (such as search and deduplication):

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import ;
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import ;

public class EntryEqualsExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Set&lt;&lt;String, Integer&gt;&gt; set = new HashSet&lt;&gt;();

        (new &lt;&gt;("A", 1));
        (new &lt;&gt;("B", 2));
        (new &lt;&gt;("A", 1)); // repeat
        (()); // Output: 2 (There are only two Entry after deduplication)    }

4. Commonly used implementation classes

It is an interface, and common implementation classes include:

4.1 <K, V>

  • Used to store a simple key-value pair.
  • Provides variable keys and values.


import ;

public class SimpleEntryExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        &lt;String, Integer&gt; entry = new &lt;&gt;("Key", 100);

        ("Key: " + ()); // Output: Key        ("Value: " + ()); // Output: 100
        ("Updated Value: " + ()); // Output: 200    }

4.2 <K, V>

  • Used to store immutable key-value pairs.
  • Once created, the keys and values ​​cannot be modified.


import ;

public class SimpleImmutableEntryExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        &lt;String, Integer&gt; entry = new &lt;&gt;("Key", 100);

        ("Key: " + ()); // Output: Key        ("Value: " + ()); // Output: 100
        // (200); // Compile error, value cannot be modified    }

5. Common operations and efficiency


  • useentrySet()Traveling is more than direct callkeySet()orvalues()Efficient, becauseentrySet()Traveling to get keys and values ​​at the same time, without additional searches.

Applicable scenarios

  • Keys and values ​​need to be operated simultaneously.
  • When modifying or filtering key-value pairs.

6. Summary


  • <K, V>Provides an elegant way to traverse and operateMapkey-value pair.
  • CombinedentrySet(), can obtain keys and values ​​efficiently at the same time.
  • By implementing classes (such asSimpleEntryandSimpleImmutableEntry), can be found inMapflexibly use key-value pairs outside.

Applicable scenarios

  • TraversalMap
  • Modify or filter key-value pairs.
  • When using custom key-value pair logic.

<K, V> is the core tool for handling key-value pairs in the Java collection framework and is the basis for efficient operation of Map.

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