Updated on 2025-03-08

Detailed explanation of Spring Cloud Feign's use case

Introduction to Feign

Feign is a lightweight RESTful HTTP service client developed by Netflix (using it to initiate requests and remote calls). It calls Http requests in Java interface annotations, rather than calling directly by encapsulating HTTP request messages like in Java. Feign is widely used in Spring Cloud's solution. Similar to Dubbo, the service consumer gets the service provider's interface and then calls it like calling the local interface method, which actually sends a remote request.

Feign helps us to call HTTP API more conveniently and elegantly: we don’t need to splice the url and then call the restTemplate API. In SpringCloud, using Feign is very simple. Create an interface (on the consumer-service caller side), and add some annotations on the interface, and the code is completed.

SpringCloud has enhanced Feign, making Feign support SpringMVC annotation (OpenFeign). In essence: it encapsulates the Http call process and is more in line with the interface-oriented programming habits. Similar to Dubbo's service call, Dubbo's calling method is actually good interface-oriented programming.

💻It is a declarative (annotated) web service client

To use Feign, you need to create an interface and annotate it. It is a remotely called component (interface, annotation) called http

💻Feign integrates ribbon ribbon integrates eureka


Similar to the case of Ribbon in the previous article, it also allows clients to access and help each other.

Implementation: Two merchants, one intermediary and one provider. The user accesses the intermediary's interface, and the intermediary sends a request to the provider to create it.

I also created two clients, but I won't go through the process before.

I've created aorder-service-01And oneuser-service-02

order-service-01: Provider

Configuration file configuration:

  port: 8080
    name: order-service
      defaultZone: Your remoteeurekaaddress

Start the client


Write a controller for order delivery

public class OrderControll {
    public String doOrder(){
        return "Making noodles";

Just start

user-service-02: Intermediary

Key dependencies:

<!--        feignrely-->

Configuration File:

  port: 8081
    name: user-service
      defaultZone: Your remoteeurekaaddress

Start the service

@EnableFeignClients: enable feign


Key: Create an interface classUserOrderfeign

You need to call the doOrder interface of the provider (order-service) that is, you can write it in the code below.

  * Notes below:
  * value is the provider's application name
public interface UserOrderfeign {
      * Write the method signature of the controller you need to call
      * @return
    String doOrder();

writecontrollerImplementation Class

Directly introduce the written userOrderfeign to directly call the provider's interface

public class UserControll {
    public UserOrderfeign userOrderfeign;
    public String userDoOrder(){
        ("Customer is here...");
        //Start a remote call        String str=();

        return str;

After running the final access to localhost:8081/userDoOrder page, the content returned by the provider will be displayed~

Transfer the ginseng

It is necessary to ensure that the parameter list is consistent, the return value is consistent, and the method signature is consistent

  • URL parameter transfer: Use parameter list@PathVariable
  • GET parameter transfer: Use parameter list@RequestParam
  • POST parameter transfer: Use parameter list@RequestParamorRequestbody

Continue to use based on the above example

order-serviceHow to write a controller

URL splicing parameters

//url splicing parameters    @GetMapping("testUrl/{name}/and/{age}")
    public String testUrl(@PathVariable("name")String name,@PathVariable("age")Integer age){
        return "ok";

GET Transfer

 //url passes a parameter    @GetMapping("oneParam")
    public String oneParam(@RequestParam String name){
        return "ok";

    //url passes multiple parameters    @GetMapping("twoParam")
    public String twoParam(@RequestParam(required = false) String name,@RequestParam(required = false)Integer age){
        return "ok";

POST parameter transfer

Write entity class order

Used herelambokImplement automatic addition of parameters without parameters set, get and other methods

public class Order {

    private Integer id;
    private String name;
    private Double price;
    private Date time;
//Post request to pass an object    @PostMapping("oneObj")
    public String oneObj(@RequestBody Order order){
        return "ok";

    //Post request passes an object and a parameter    @PostMapping("oneObjOneParam")
    public String oneObjOneParam(@RequestBody Order order,@RequestParam("name")String name){
        return "ok";


user-serviceWrite parameter transfer method of control class in feign interface

/urlSplicing grammar
    public String testUrl(@PathVariable("name")String name, @PathVariable("age")Integer age);

    //url passes a parameter    @GetMapping("oneParam")
    public String oneParam(@RequestParam String name);

    //url passes multiple parameters    @GetMapping("twoParam")
    public String twoParam(@RequestParam(required = false) String name,@RequestParam(required = false)Integer age);

    //Post request to pass an object    @PostMapping("oneObj")
    public String oneObj(@RequestBody Order order);

    //Post request passes an object and a parameter    @PostMapping("oneObjOneParam")
    public String oneObjOneParam(@RequestBody Order order,@RequestParam("name")String name);

user-serviceWrite method calls in the controller

    public String testParam(){
        String zt = ("zt", 21);

        String xzl = ("xzl");

        String wf = ("wf", 22);

        Order order= ()
                     .time(new Date())
        String s = (order);

        String param = (order, "dqf");

        return "ok";


The above can realize the transmission of parameters~


Feign's default waiting time is 1s. If it exceeds 1s, it will directly report an error timeout.

Configure timeout, connection time

Tip:feign only encapsulates the function of remote calls. The underlying layer is still ribbon, so the time of ribbon needs to be modified

#feign just encapsulates the function of remote calls. The underlying layer is still ribbon, so the time of ribbon needs to be modifiedribbon:
  ReadTimeout: 3000 #3s timeout time  ConnectTimeout: 3000 #Timeout for connection service

Log printing

Writing logging is conducive to error checking

Log Level

NONE:Default, no logs are displayed;

BASIC: Only record the request method, URL, response status code and execution time;

HEACIERS: In addition to the information defined in BASIC, there are also request and response header information

FULL:In addition to the information defined in HEADERS, there are also the body and metadata of the request and response.

In the startup classapplicationWritten in

      * Print log information
    public  level(){
        return ;

In the configuration fileymlOpen the log client

    .: debug # Need to print the log requesting this interface...

The path to the feign interface is below level

This allows users to access the interface to realize corresponding log printing related information

This is the end of this article about the use of Spring Cloud Feign. For more information about using Spring Cloud Feign, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!