In Java, the consistency and integrity of database operations can be ensured by using transactions. If an exception or error occurs during the transaction, the transaction needs to be rolled back to ensure the correctness and integrity of the data.
Here are a few ways to make transactions roll back in Java:
Use Spring Transaction Management: In Spring, you can use the @Transactional annotation to mark methods that require transaction management, and you can set the rollbackFor property to specify the rollback type. For example:
@Service @Transactional(rollbackFor = ) public class UserService { // ... }
In the above code, the @Transactional annotation specifies that the rolled-back exception type is Exception. If an exception of type Exception appears in the UserService, the transaction will be rolled back.
Manually rollback transactions: If Spring transaction management is not used, you can manually rollback transactions. For example:
Connection conn = (); try { (false); // Perform database operations // If an exception occurs, manually roll back the transaction (); } catch (SQLException e) { (); } finally { (true); (); }
In the above code, set the database connection to manual commit mode and perform database operations as needed during the transaction. If an exception occurs, manually roll back the transaction. In short, Spring transaction management or manual rollback of transactions can be used in Java to ensure the consistency and integrity of transactions, and to prevent the correctness and integrity of data when exceptions or errors occur.
Issues that need to be paid attention to when implementing transaction rollback:
1.@Transactional annotation can be applied to interface definitions and interface methods, class definitions and public methods of classes.
2. @Transactional annotation can only be applied to public visibility methods. If you use the @Transactional annotation on protected, private, or package-visible methods, it will not report an error, but this annotated method will not display the configured transaction settings.
3. By default, spring will transaction rollback the unchecked exception; if it is a checked exception, it will not rollback.
If the transaction runs in try{}catch(Exception e){();} and only prints e in catch, the transaction will not rollback. Because the exception was caught, the framework did not know that it happened frequently.
If you want a rollback,
(1) Just write the exception type above the annotation, @Transactional(rollbackFor=)
(2) Add throws Exception to the method and throw exceptions that appear in the method to the spring transaction.
(3) Remove the try catch in the method body
(4) catch (Exception e) { throw e;} continue to throw up, with the purpose of letting the spring transaction catch this exception
In addition to the above issues, let me talk about the recent issues regarding multi-data source configuration transaction rollback
The transaction configuration is also configured in the project, and the issues that need to be paid attention to are also paid attention to. However, some transactions can rollback and some fail. The final problem lies: The transaction configuration with the same id is configured in two files. If multiple configurations are configured, the transaction configuration loaded in the middle and later will overwrite the transaction configuration added first.
This is the end of this article about several ways to make transaction rollback in Java. For more related Java transaction rollback content, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!