Updated on 2025-03-08

Mybatis-plus update policy partial fields do not update the problem

Mybatis-plus update policy part fields are not updated

Directly upload the code

@Target({, ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE})
public @interface TableField {
    String value() default "";

    boolean exist() default true;

    String condition() default "";

    String update() default "";

    FieldStrategy insertStrategy() default ; //Add new
    FieldStrategy updateStrategy() default ; //Revise
    FieldStrategy whereStrategy() default ;

    FieldFill fill() default ;

    boolean select() default true;

    boolean keepGlobalFormat() default false;

    JdbcType jdbcType() default ;

    Class<? extends TypeHandler> typeHandler() default ;

    String numericScale() default "";

Five strategies

public enum FieldStrategy {
    IGNORED, //neglect    NOT_NULL,    //The field is not null    NOT_EMPTY,    //The field is not ""    DEFAULT, //default    NEVER;    //Never update
    private FieldStrategy() {

How to use

@TableField(value = "create_user_id", updateStrategy = )
private int createUserId;//Create a userID

The above code means that the field is never updated when modified.

mybatis-plus field update strategy FieldStrategy

public enum FieldStrategy {
    // Regardless of whether there are or not, all fields will be set to the insert statement. If the value is not set, it will be updated to null.    IGNORED,
    // It is also the default policy, that is, ignoring null fields, not ignoring ""    NOT_NULL,
    // Is null, and the empty string is ignored, that is, if the value is set to null, "", it will not be inserted into the database    NOT_EMPTY,
    // Same as NOT_NULL    DEFAULT,
    // Once inserted, it will never be updated (etc:createTime)    NEVER;

    private FieldStrategy() {


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