Updated on 2025-03-08

Spring Boot How to configure yml configuration file to define collections, arrays and maps

1. @value Get configuration file

In the usual yml configuration files, we often use strings that configure basic data types, for example, the configuration log file is written as follows:

# Configure log output levellogging:
  # Specify the location of the logback configuration file  config: classpath:
  # The path to output from the file log  path: E:/logs/springboot_server
  # Log output level  level:
    root: info

To obtain the attribute value, you can use the @value annotation to achieve it, as follows:

private String path;    // Get the output path of the log file

2. Get configuration files in List collection

The first method

# Interceptor path interceptor or not intercept configurationinterceptorconfig:
    #Any request type is intercepted under this path    include:
      - /api/v1/token/api_token
      - /api/v1/yibaotong/save

The second method

# Interceptor path interceptor or not intercept configurationinterceptorconfig:
    #Any request type is intercepted under this path    include: [/api/v1/token/api_token,/api/v1/yibaotong/save]


It should be noted here that defining a List collection cannot be used@valueAnnotation to get all values ​​of the List collection, you need to define a configuration class bean and then use@ConfigurationPropertiesAnnotation to get list collection value, as follows:

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "") // Prefix of configuration filepublic class InterceptorPathBean
      * Paths that need to be intercepted
    private List<String> include;

3. Define the object list collection to obtain configuration files

Single object List

First create a user object as follows:

public class User implements Serializable
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private String appId;
    private String password;

Then the yml configuration file is written as follows:

    - appId: YiBaoTong
      password: 123456
    - appId: ZhiKe
      password: 123456

Define the configuration bean to use the @ConfigurationProperties annotation to get the object collection value:

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "jwt") // Prefix of configuration filepublic class JwtConfigBean
      * User list
    private List<User> userlist;

List object contains List

Define the configuration bean to use the @ConfigurationProperties annotation to get the object collection value:

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "jwt") // Prefix of configuration filepublic class JwtConfigBean {
      * User list
    private List<UserTest> userList;
    private static class UserTest {
        private String appId;
        private List<String> passwordList;

yml file configuration

    - appId: '121212'
      passwordList: 'Active time flow node-PromoTimeValidNode, Activity time flow node-PromoTimeValidNode2'
    - appId: 'werw3313'
      passwordList: 'Active time flow node-PromoTimeValidNode, Activity time flow node-PromoTimeValidNode2'

4. Array acquisition configuration file

The yaml format is as follows:

    includes: /api/v1,/api/v2  #Be careful to separate it with commas

The array value can be obtained through the @value annotation, as follows:

private String[] includes;

You can also get it by creating a configuration class bean and using the @ConfigurationProperties annotation, as follows:

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "") // Prefix of configuration filepublic class InterceptorPathBean
    private String[] includes;
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "") // Prefix of configuration filepublic class InterceptorPathBean
    private String[] includes;

5. Define the Map Collection Configuration File

The yaml format is as follows:

    maps: {name: Xiao Ming,age: 24}

Or write it as:

      name: Xiao Ming
      age: 24

By creating the configuration class bean, use the @ConfigurationProperties annotation to get the map value, as follows:

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "") // Prefix of configuration filepublic class InterceptorPathBean
    private Map<String , String> maps;

The above is how the Spring Boot yml configuration file defines the basic data type and references the data type;

6. Reference link

Spring boot's yml configuration file defines list collections, arrays, maps, and errors occur during use

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