Updated on 2025-03-08

Detailed explanation of Springquartz configuration method

How to configure Spring Quartz


Spring Quartz is a task scheduling framework that allows us to perform specific tasks regularly. The Spring framework integrates Quartz, making it easier to use Quartz in Spring applications. In Spring, we can configure Quartz in a number of ways, including using ​​@Scheduled​Annotations, XML configuration, and Java configuration. This article will explain how to use these three ways to configure Quartz in Spring.

Use @Scheduled​​ annotation

In Spring, we can use​@Scheduled​​ Annotation to configure simple timing tasks. This annotation can be added to a method, which Spring will automatically schedule according to the configuration. Here is a simple example:

public class MyTask {
    @Scheduled(cron = "0 * * * * ?") // Perform every minute    public void doSomething() {
        ("Execute timing tasks...");

In the above example,​@Scheduled​Annotated ​​cron​The attribute defines the task execution schedule. In this example, the task will be executed at the beginning of each minute.

XML configuration

In XML configuration, we can use​<task:annotation-driven/>​Elements to enable annotation-based timing tasks and then use​<task:scheduler/>​​ Element to configure the Quartz scheduler. Here is a simple XML configuration example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="/schema/beans"
    <task:annotation-driven />
    <bean  class="" />
    <bean  class="">
        <property name="jobDetails">
                <ref bean="myTask" />
        <property name="triggers">
                <bean class="">
                    <property name="jobDetail" ref="myTask" />
                    <property name="startDelay" value="1000" />
                    <property name="repeatInterval" value="60000" />

In this configuration, we define a​SchedulerFactoryBean​, it is responsible for creating the Quartz scheduler. ​​jobDetails​The attribute points to the task we want to schedule,​triggers​The attribute defines the trigger, which determines the execution frequency of the task.

Java configuration

In Spring 3.0 and later, we can use Java configuration to configure Quartz. Here is an example of using Java configuration:

public class QuartzConfig {
    public Scheduler scheduler() {
        SchedulerFactoryBean schedulerFactoryBean = new SchedulerFactoryBean();
        // Set up JobDetail        JobDetail job = ()
                .withIdentity("myTask", "group1")
        // Set up Trigger        Trigger trigger = ()
                .withIdentity("myTaskTrigger", "group1")
                .withSchedule(("0 * * * * ?"))
        ((triggerIn actualJavaIn application,Spring QuartzUsually withSpringUse the framework together,To realize scheduled tasks and management。Here is a simple oneSpring QuartzConfiguration example,Shows how toSpringIn application配置QuartzScheduler。
first,You need to be in yourSpringIn application添加QuartzDependence。If you are usingMaven,The following dependencies can be added to:
    &lt;version&gt;2.3.2&lt;/version&gt;&lt;!-- Or the version you are using --&gt;

Then, you need to configure Quartz in Spring's configuration class. Here is a simple configuration example:

import .*;
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public class QuartzConfig {
    public SchedulerFactoryBean schedulerFactoryBean() throws SchedulerException {
        SchedulerFactoryBean factoryBean = new SchedulerFactoryBean();
        // Set up the Quartz data source, assuming that you are using the JDBC data source        (yourDataSource);
        // Set Quartz's table prefix, if you need to customize the table name        ("QRTZ_");
        // Set Quartz's scheduler implementation class        ("");
        // Set up the thread pool of Quartz        (10);
        // Set Quartz's job and trigger factory class        (jobFactory());
        // Set Quartz trigger        (trigger());
        // Set Quartz's scheduler to start        (1000); // Set scheduler startup delay        (true); // Set the scheduler to start automatically        return factoryBean;
    public JobFactory jobFactory() {
        // Returns an instance of JobFactory to create a Job instance        return new SimpleJobFactory();
    public JobDetail jobDetail() {
        // Create a JobDetail object to define the job execution information        return new JobDetail("yourJobName", );
    public Trigger trigger() {
        // Create a Trigger object to define the conditions that trigger the job execution        SimpleTrigger trigger = new SimpleTrigger("yourTriggerName", jobDetail());
        (1000); // Set trigger startup delay        (1000); // Set the trigger repetition interval        (SimpleTrigger.REPEAT_INDEFINITELY); // Set triggers to repeat unlimited times        return trigger;

In this example, we configure a SchedulerFactoryBean which creates a Quartz scheduler. We also configured a JobFactory for creating a Job instance, as well as a JobDetail and a SimpleTrigger for defining the execution details and triggering conditions of the Job.

In practical applications, you need to adjust these configurations according to your specific needs. For example, you might need to use different data sources, set up different scheduling policies, or add more jobs and Triggers.

Note that this example uses Spring's @Configuration annotation and Bean annotation to configure Quartz, which is the recommended configuration method in Spring 3.0 and later. In Spring Boot apps, you usually don't need to create these beans, because Spring Boot already provides the ability to automatically configure Quartz. Using Quartz for scheduled task scheduling in Spring usually requires the following steps to configure:

  • Create Quartz configuration class
  • Create Quartz's Job class
  • Create Quartz's Trigger class
  • Configure Quartz in Spring configuration file

Here are detailed instructions for each step:

1. Create Quartz configuration class

First, you need to create a Quartz configuration class, which will usually inherit from​​, and implement​​​Interface. This class is responsible for creating and managing Quartz's scheduler.

import ;
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public class QuartzSchedulerFactoryBean extends SchedulerFactoryBean {
    public QuartzSchedulerFactoryBean() {
        // Set Quartz's factory class to create a Scheduler instance of Quartz        setSchedulerFactoryClass();
    // Rewrite the getScheduler method of the parent class to handle possible SchedulerException    @Override
    public Scheduler getScheduler() throws SchedulerException {
        Scheduler scheduler = ();
        if (scheduler == null) {
            throw new SchedulerException("Unable to obtain Quartz Scheduler");
        return scheduler;

2. Create Quartz's Job class

Next, you need to create one or more Quartz Job classes that inherit from​​​Interface and implement​execute​​Method, this method is the actual execution of the timed tasks you define.

import ;
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public class MyQuartzJob implements Job {
    public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {
        // Write your timing task logic here        ("Quartz job executed!");

3. Create Quartz's Trigger class

Then you need to create one or more Quartz Trigger classes that inherit from​​​Interface, and specify the trigger type (such as SimpleTrigger, CronTrigger, etc.), as well as trigger rules.

import ;
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public class MyQuartzTrigger {
    public static Trigger getCronTrigger(String cronExpression) {
        // Use CronScheduleBuilder to build CronTrigger        return ()

4. Configure Quartz in Spring configuration file

Finally, you can configure Quartz in Spring's configuration files, such as XML files or Java Config. Here is an example of configuring Quartz using XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="/schema/beans"

This is the end of this article about Springquartz configuration. For more information about Springquartz configuration, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!