//Travel the font settings
public static void changeViewSize(ViewGroup viewGroup,int screenWidth,int screenHeight) {//Passing in the top layer of the Activity Layout, screen width, screen height
int adjustFontSize = adjustFontSize(screenWidth,screenHeight);
for(int i = 0; i<(); i++ ){
View v = (i);
if(v instanceof ViewGroup){
}else if(v instanceof Button){//The button must be enlarged on the TextView, because Button also inherits TextView
( (Button)v ).setTextSize(adjustFontSize+2);
}else if(v instanceof TextView){
if(()== .title_msg){//Top title
( (TextView)v ).setTextSize(adjustFontSize+4);
( (TextView)v ).setTextSize(adjustFontSize);
//Get font size
public static int adjustFontSize(int screenWidth, int screenHeight) {
* 1. Get the view width in the onsizechanged of the view. Generally, the default width is 320, so calculate a scaling ratio
rate = (float) w/320 w is the actual width
2. Then when setting the font size ((int)(8*rate)); 8 is the font size that needs to be set with a resolution width of 320
Actual font size = Default font size x rate
int rate = (int)(5*(float) screenWidth/320); //I test this multiple myself, of course you can modify it after testing.
return rate<15?15:rate; //The font is too small and not good-looking
//Travel the font settings
public static void changeViewSize(ViewGroup viewGroup,int screenWidth,int screenHeight) {//Passing in the top layer of the Activity Layout, screen width, screen height
int adjustFontSize = adjustFontSize(screenWidth,screenHeight);
for(int i = 0; i<(); i++ ){
View v = (i);
if(v instanceof ViewGroup){
}else if(v instanceof Button){//The button must be placed on the TextView, because Button also inherits TextView
( (Button)v ).setTextSize(adjustFontSize+2);
}else if(v instanceof TextView){
if(()== .title_msg){//Top title
( (TextView)v ).setTextSize(adjustFontSize+4);
( (TextView)v ).setTextSize(adjustFontSize);
//Get font size
public static int adjustFontSize(int screenWidth, int screenHeight) {
* 1. Get the view width in the onsizechanged of the view. Generally, the default width is 320, so calculate a scaling ratio
rate = (float) w/320 w is the actual width
2. Then when setting the font size ((int)(8*rate)); 8 is the font size that needs to be set with a resolution width of 320
Actual font size = Default font size x rate
int rate = (int)(5*(float) screenWidth/320); //I test this multiple myself, of course you can modify it after testing
return rate<15?15:rate; //The font is too small and not good-looking