Updated on 2025-03-08

About the most common methods and time conversion methods of LocalDateTime

The most common methods and time conversions of LocalDateTime

After the Java 8 version, LocalDateTime and LocalDate classes have been added, making the conversion convenience no less than jodaTime.

There are many LocalDateTime methods. This article lists some of the most commonly used time conversions in development and gives examples after conversion. I hope you can refer to them when converting.

String to LocalDateTime

public static LocalDateTime parseStringToDateTime(String time, String format) {
DateTimeFormatter df = (format);
return (time, df);

LocalDateTime to string

public static String getDateTimeToString(LocalDateTime localDateTime, String format) {
DateTimeFormatter formatter = (format);
return (formatter);


If the millisecond bit is not 000, milliseconds will be displayed.

String utc = getUTCMillisecondFromTimestamp(1539718265123);


If milliseconds are 000, milliseconds will not be displayed.

String utc = getUTCMillisecondFromTimestamp(1539718265000);


Long-type timestamp (15-bit) to UTC time string

	  * Convert UTC timestamp to UTC string (exactly to seconds)
	  * @param timestamp
	  * @return
	public static String getUTCStrFromTimestamp(long timestamp) {
		DateTimeFormatter formatter = ("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
		// Beijing time: ("UTC+8"); system default time: ()		LocalDateTime localDateTime = ((timestamp), ("UTC"));
		String utc = (formatter);
		return utc;


String utc = getUTCStrFromTimestamp(1539718265123);


Long-type timestamp (15-bit) to UTC time string

	  * Convert the timestamp to a UTC string (if milliseconds are 000, no milliseconds are displayed, and if milliseconds are not 000, no milliseconds are displayed)
	  * Return format: 2018-10-16T19:31:05.123Z
	  * @param timestamp
	  * @return
	public static String getUTCMillisecondFromTimestamp(long timestamp) {
		Instant instant = (timestamp);
		String utcString = ();
		return utcString;

Get the start and end time of today

DateTimeFormatter formatter = ("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");

String startTime = ().withHour(0).withMinute(0).withSecond(0).withNano(0).format(formatter);

String endTime = ().withHour(23).withMinute(59).withSecond(59).withNano(999_999_999).format(formatter);

Return to the last day of the target month

	  * Return to the last day of the target month
	  * @param sourceDate Target month
	  * @param monthOffset Month Offset
	  * @return
	private LocalDate getLastDateOfMonth(LocalDate sourceDate, int monthOffset) {
		return (monthOffset).with(());

Get the start and end time of a day (elegant)

LocalDate date = (2021, 4, 20);
LocalDateTime startTime = (date, );
LocalDateTime endTime = (date, );

LocalDateTime Sets Custom Time

	  * Get a ten-minute starting time stamp of a (millisecond) timestamp
	  * For example: Enter the timestamp of 1534930875000 (2018-08-22 17:41:15) returns the timestamp of 1534930800000 (2018-08-22 17:40:00)
	  * @param timestrap
	  * @return
	public static long getTenMinuteStartTimestrap(long timestamp) {
		LocalDateTime localDateTime = getLocalDateTimeByTimestamp(timestamp);
		int minute = ();
		// The number of single digits in minutes is set to 0		int minute_floor = minute / 10 * 10;
		LocalDateTime startLocalDateTime = (minute_floor).withSecond(0).withNano(0);
		long startTimestamp = getTimestampByLocalDateTime(startLocalDateTime);
		return startTimestamp;

Long millisecond timestamp to LocalDateTime

	  * Long millisecond timestamp to LocalDateTime
	public static LocalDateTime getLocalDateTimeByTimestamp(long timestamp) {
		Instant instant = (timestamp);
		LocalDateTime localDateTime = (instant, );
		return localDateTime;

Get millisecond timestamp based on LocalDateTime

	  * Get LocalDateTime based on millisecond timestamp
	  * @param localDateTime
	  * @return
	public static long getTimestampByLocalDateTime(LocalDateTime localDateTime) {
		long timestamp = (("UTC")).toInstant().toEpochMilli();
		return timestamp;

Long timestamp is converted to local date according to time zone

	  * Timestamp is converted to local date according to time zone
	  * @param timestamp
	  * @param timezone
	  * @return
	public static Date getLocalDateByTimezone(long timestamp, int timezone) {
		Instant instant = (timestamp);
		LocalDateTime localDateTime = (instant, );
		// Local time		LocalDateTime localDate = (timezone);
		DateTimeFormatter df = ("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
		String localDateTimeStr = (localDate);
		SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
		Date date = null;
		try {
			date = (localDateTimeStr);
		} catch (ParseException e) {
		return date;

LocalDateTime to Date

Note: The system time zone

Date date = (().atZone(()).toInstant());

Date to LocalDateTime

Date todayDate = new Date();
LocalDateTime ldt = ()
        .atZone( () )

Milliseconds (timestamp)

long second = (1636338645000L).getEpochSecond();

Milliseconds (timestamp)

long second = (1636338645L).toEpochMilli();


The above is personal experience. I hope you can give you a reference and I hope you can support me more.