is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. TypeScript is an open source language developed by Microsoft. It is a superset of JavaScript that can be compiled into pure JavaScript. The combination of Vue and TypeScript makes it easier and more efficient to develop large applications. This article will explore the application of TypeScript in components in detail, especially its life cycle hook function, and provide you with a practical guide through rich examples.
Lifecycle hook
Each Vue component instance goes through a series of initialization steps - such as creating a data observer, compiling a template, mounting the instance onto the DOM, re-rendering the DOM when the data is updated, etc. In these processes, Vue provides lifecycle hooks that allow us to add our own code at different stages.
Lifecycle hook list
Here are the main life cycle hooks for Vue components:
Vue Components Using TypeScript
In TypeScript, Vue components usually use class-style components, which passvue-class-component
Library or Vue3's<script setup>
Syntax sugar implementation.
Setting up a project
Make sure you have a Vue project using TypeScript. One can be initialized through the Vue CLI.
vue create my-project # Select TypeScript
Class component life cycle
Library, life cycle hooks are like class methods.
<script lang="ts"> import { Vue, Component } from 'vue-property-decorator'; @Component export default class MyComponent extends Vue { // beforeCreate beforeCreate() { ('Component is about to be created...'); } // created created() { ('Component created'); } // beforeMount beforeMount() { ('Component is about to be mounted...'); } // mounted mounted() { ('Component mounted'); } // beforeUpdate beforeUpdate() { ('Component is about to update...'); } // updated updated() { ('Component updated'); } // beforeDestroy beforeDestroy() { ('Component is about to be destroyed...'); } // destroyed destroyed() { ('Component destroyed'); } } </script>
Composition API and TypeScript
Vue 3 introduces the Composition API, which is especially useful when using TypeScript because it makes type inference more natural and simple.
<script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent, onMounted, onUnmounted } from 'vue'; export default defineComponent({ setup() { // mounted onMounted(() => { ('Component mounted'); }); // unmounted onUnmounted(() => { ('Component unmounted'); }); return { // reactive state and methods }; } }); </script>
Life cycle practical example
Next, let's take a look at how to add practical code to the lifecycle hook through some specific examples.
Data acquisition
Usually, increated
Get data from the hook.
created() { (); } methods: { async fetchData() { try { const response = await ('/api/data'); = ; } catch (error) { ('Error fetching data', error); } } }
Listen to events
We canmounted
Set the listener in the hook andbeforeDestroy
Clean them up.
mounted() { ('resize', ); } beforeDestroy() { ('resize', ); } methods: { handleResize() { // Handle the resize event } }
Set the timer and clean it before the component is destroyed.
data() { return { timer: null }; } created() { = setInterval(, 1000); } beforeDestroy() { clearInterval(); } methods: { tick() { // Do something on a timer } }
in conclusion
The combination with TypeScript provides powerful tools to support the development of modern web applications. Understanding Vue's lifecycle hooks and knowing how to use them effectively in TypeScript will allow you to write more reliable and efficient code. Remember, the life cycle hook provides execution points that match the various stages of the component life cycle, allowing you to do the right thing at the right time.
The above is a detailed explanation of the life cycle of TypeTypeScript in a article. For more information about TypeScript's life cycle, please pay attention to my other related articles!