Reference vee-validate plug-in form verification (introduced by cdn method)
I used the project written by webpack packaging tool before, but later I needed to change it to a static page method, so I had to change some introduction methods, which is the troublesome part of the front-end.
There are also many ways to introduce npm on the Internet, mainly problems caused by old and new versions of vee-validate (especially the citation issues of Chinese error prompts). I will write about the introduction of cdn method and the configuration of Chinese packages here.
1. CDN method (official website)
<!-- jsdelivr cdn --> <script src="/npm/vee-validate@latest/dist/"></script> <!-- unpkg --> <script src="/vee-validate@latest"></script>
2. Use in combination with Vue
(VeeValidate, { events: 'change' //The events here are triggering events, such as losing focus verification, I use input change verification here});
I won’t explain it in detail when Vue is introduced here, I don’t know what I want to do on Baidu.
There are many configuration parameters on the Internet. If you need it, you can check it. I didn’t write it if I didn’t use it here. Some of them are also fancy and whistle on the Internet. There is no need to do it. Just do a verification, which makes my brain hurt.
Without adding parameters, it is like this:
3. Error prompts in Chinese
Download the Chinese package first
There is no way, the new version of zh_CN.json has not been found yet. Just use this Chinese prompt package to introduce cdn. The webpack project will not have this problem.
Then call it again:
If you do not use this package, you can refer to the following code:
({ zh_CN: { messages: { _default: (field) => `${field}The value of the`, after: (field, [target, inclusion]) => `${field}Must be in${target}after${inclusion ? 'or equal to' + target : ''}`, alpha: (field) => `${field}Only alphabetical characters are included`, alpha_dash: (field) => `${field}Can contain alphanumeric characters、Dash and underscore`, alpha_num: (field) => `${field}Only alphanumeric characters are included`, alpha_spaces: (field) => `${field}Only alphabetical characters are includedand空格`, before: (field, [target, inclusion]) => `${field}Must be in${target}Before${inclusion ? 'or equal to' + target : ''}`, between: (field, [min, max]) => `${field}Must be in${min}and${max}between`, confirmed: (field, [confirmedField]) => `${field}Can't be with the above${confirmedField}match`, credit_card: (field) => `${field}Error in format`, date_between: (field, [min, max]) => `${field}Must be in${min}and${max}between`, date_format: (field, [format]) => `${field}Must be in compliance${format}Format`, decimal: (field, [decimals = '*'] = []) => `${field}Must be a number,And can be retained${decimals === '*' ? '' : decimals}Decimal places`, digits: (field, [length]) => `${field}Must be a number,And precise${length}Number of digits`, dimensions: (field, [width, height]) => `${field}Must be in${width}像素and${height}像素between`, email: (field) => `${field}Not a valid email`, excluded: (field) => `${field}Not a valid value`, ext: (field) => `${field}Not a valid file`, image: (field) => `${field}Not a valid picture`, included: (field) => `${field}Not a valid value`, integer: (field) => `${field}Must be an integer`, ip: (field) => `${field}Not a valid address`, length: (field, [length, max]) => { if (max) { return `${field}长度Must be in${length}arrive${max}between` } return `${field}The length must be${length}` }, max: (field, [length]) => `${field}Can't exceed${length}Characters`, max_value: (field, [max]) => `${field}Must be less than or equal to${max}`, mimes: (field) => `${field}Not a valid file类型`, min: (field, [length]) => `${field}Must have at least${length}Characters`, min_value: (field, [min]) => `${field}Must be greater than or equal to${min}`, numeric: (field) => `${field}Only numeric characters are included`, regex: (field) => `${field}Format无效`, required: (field) => `${field}is required`, size: (field, [size]) => `${field}Must be less than${formatFileSize(size)}`, url: (field) => `${field}Not a validurl` } } })
The content is similar, and it is more intuitive to use code.
4. HTML code examples
<div class="item-ipt" > <label>account</label> <input class="ipt" name="name" data-vv-as="account" v-validate="'required|alpha_dash'" v-model="username" placeholder="Please enter a username" :disabled="nameable"/> <span v-show="('name')" class="ipt-err">{{ ('name') }}</span> </div> <div class="item-ipt" > <label>Phone number</label> <input class="ipt" name="mobile" data-vv-as="Phone number" v-validate="'required|mobile'" v-model="mobile" placeholder="Please enter verification code" /> <span v-show="('mobile')" class="ipt-err">{{ ('mobile') }}</span> </div>
: Must be added, otherwise it cannot be associated -
: The Chinese name of the error prompt; Example: The account cannot be empty, and the mobile phone number cannot be empty. -
: Verification rules, multiple use ‘|’ to separate them. alpha_dash is a Chinese rule, which can contain alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores.
The error message indicates that the content in the span is written in a fixed way. Whether there is any error display, prompts the error message
5. Custom verification rules
Here are some examples for reference
//Mobile phone verification.("mobile", { getMessage: () => `Please enter the correct mobile phone number`, validate: value => === 11 && /^(((13[0-9]{1})|(14[57]{1})|(15[012356789]{1})|(17[03678]{1})|(18[0-9]{1})|(19[89]{1})|(16[6]{1}))+\d{8})$/.test( value ) }); //Verification of ID card.("idCard", { getMessage: () => `Please enter the correct ID number`, validate: value => /^\d{6}(18|19|20)?\d{2}(0[1-9]|1[012])(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])\d{3}(\d|[xX])$/.test( value ) }); //Email verification.("Email", { getMessage: () => `Please enter the correct email address`, validate: value => /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/.test( value ) }); //Email verification.("fax", { getMessage: () => `Please enter the correct office phone number`, validate: value => /^((0\d{2,3})-)?(\d{7,8})(-(\d{3,}))?$/.test( value ) }); ("intOrDe", { getMessage: () => `Please enter the correct value,Integer or decimal,Only two digits after the decimal`, validate: value => /^(-)?\d+(\.\d{1,2})?$/.test( value ) });
The above is personal experience. I hope you can give you a reference and I hope you can support me more.